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service connected

Service Connected Injury Increase

November 9, 2017

Last month, the Department of Veteran Affairs decided that veterans with neck, back, or joint disability may be able to qualify for a service connected injury increase. This can include those who... continue reading
Stethoscope and uniform

What is a Lifestyle Impact Claim?

October 7, 2017

A Lifestyle Impact Claim is a high-value secondary claim that many veterans are eligible for due to one or more primary service-connected disabilities. Most veterans, lawyers, and VSOs DON’T know... continue reading
buddy letter

What is a Buddy Letter?

August 8, 2017

You may be asking yourself… what is a Buddy Letter? You’ve heard me talk a lot about the importance of “Statements in Support of A Claim” as well as “Buddy Letters.” The VA raters... continue reading