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Top 5 C&P Exam Tips

January 26, 2019

Brett is a VA Claims Expert who has 5 great tips for your C&P exam. Read through these 5 tips before you head to your... continue reading
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TPD loan discharge program

January 25, 2019

Allen Magtibay, a VA Claims Insider Veterans Claims Expert goes over how Veterans with a 100% Total and Permanent Disability rating can apply to TPD loan discharge program and have student loans... continue reading
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What is Nehmer Law?

January 20, 2019

The Nehmer Law was created for Vietnam Veterans who were exposed to specific herbicides. If you are a spouse, child, or parent of a Vietnam Veteran you are also eligible to receive benefits if... continue reading

Why Are DBQ’s Important?

January 14, 2019

A Disability Benefits Questionnaire is a form that your service provider will fill out describing specifics about a ratable condition that you are seeking compensation for. They were created to... continue reading
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6 Common PTSD Misconceptions

December 30, 2018

Many Veterans are under certain misconceptions about what filing a claim for PTSD will do for their way of life. Here are six things that many people think, and the truth behind... continue reading