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In this post, I’m going in-depth to share 15 of the top 100 disabled veterans benefits available this year.
Think of this as your ULIMATE GUIDE to additional benefits for 100 percent disabled veterans and their dependents.
Veterans who meet the requirements for a 100 percent VA disability rating become eligible for a host of additional benefits—some of which you’ve maybe never heard of.
More on that below.
We’ve kept our analysis to the 15 best federal and state benefits available to 100% disabled veterans and their dependents.
Okay, let’s dive right in…
- #1. 100 Disabled Veterans Benefits: VA Disability Compensation Pay
- #2. 100 VA Disability Benefits: VA Special Monthly Compensation Pay
- #3: VA Healthcare Benefits
- #4. VA Dental Benefits
- #5. VA Vision Benefits
- #6. VA Hearing Aids
- #7. CHAMPVA Healthcare Benefits for Dependents
- #8. VA Dependents Educational Assistance (DEA)
- #9. 100 Percent VA Disability Benefits: Veteran Student Loan Forgiveness
- #10. Voc Rehab Program (VR&E)
- #11. Free Vehicle Registration and License Plates for Disabled Veterans
- #12. Property Tax Exemptions for 100 Percent Disabled Veterans
- #13. Space-A Travel Flights
- #14. Commissary and Exchange Benefits
- #15. State Benefits for 100 Disabled Veterans
- About the Author
#1. 100 Disabled Veterans Benefits: VA Disability Compensation Pay

What is the 2022 pay rate for 100 percent disabled veterans?
Veterans with a 100 percent disability rating from the VA receive the highest monthly tax free compensation allowed by law.
In 2022, a veteran with a 100 percent VA disability rating receives compensation of at least $3,332.06 per month.
Monthly compensation amounts increase if a veteran has qualifying dependents, such as a spouse, children, or parents.
To view the 2022 VA disability compensation rates, including dependent rates, click HERE.
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#2. 100 VA Disability Benefits: VA Special Monthly Compensation Pay

What is VA Special Monthly Compensation?
VA Special Monthly Compensation (SMC) is an additional tax free benefit that can be paid to veterans, their spouses, surviving spouses, and parents.
SMC is a higher rate of compensation paid to veterans due to special circumstances, such as the need for Aid and Attendance care by another person, Housebound Benefits for those restricted to their immediate dwelling, or a specific disability, such as loss of use of one hand or leg or loss of use of a creative organ.
SMC rates vary greatly, and range from a low of an additional $118.33 per month for SMC-K (Erectile Dysfunction) to $10,155.94 per month for SMC-R.2/T (applies to veterans who need daily assistance for basic needs such as dressing, eating, and bathing).
2022 Special Monthly Compensation rates can be accessed HERE.
How do I qualify for VA Aid and Attendance benefits?
The VA Aid and Attendance program is a Pension Benefit that helps cover the costs of daily living for housebound veterans and/or those in nursing homes.
Aid and Attendance benefits are a form of Special Monthly Compensation added to the amount of a monthly pension for qualified Veterans and survivors.
Veterans who meet one or more of the following criteria qualify for VA Aid and Attendance Benefits:
- You require help to perform activities of daily living. These include bathing, feeding, dressing, toileting, adjusting prosthetic devices or protection from environmental hazards.
- You are bedridden. This means your disability requires you to stay in bed when you are not receiving treatment.
- You are a patient in a nursing home due to mental or physical incapacity.
- You have corrected visual acuity of 5/200 or less in both eyes.
- You have concentric contraction of the visual field to 5 degrees or less.
How do I qualify for VA Housebound benefits?
The VA Housebound program is a Pension Benefit payable to veterans who are permanently disabled and are confined to their residence.
The VA considers “housebound” status for veterans who are substantially confined to their residence but are still able to leave with help.
A residence can include:
- Primary residence
- Nursing home
- Assisted living facility
Veterans who meet one or both of the following criteria qualify for VA Housebound Benefits:
- The veteran has a single, permanent disability evaluated as 100 percent disabling. Because of this, you are permanently confined to your immediate location (residence). For example, you have a permanent 100 percent PTSD rating and can’t leave your home without assistance.
- The veteran has a single, permanent disability evaluated as 100 percent disabling, or another disability or disabilities that are evaluated as 60 percent disabling or higher. For example, you have a permanent 70 percent rating for heart disease and are confined to a nursing home.
If the veteran requires help with daily activities (Aid and Attendance) or he/she is (Housebound), click HERE now to learn more.
#3: VA Healthcare Benefits

How much does VA healthcare cost?
If you have a disability rating of 50 percent or higher, it’s TOTALLY FREE.
Thus, 100 percent disabled veterans get free healthcare through the VA.
When enrolling for VA healthcare benefits, every veteran is assigned to a priority group between 1 and 8.
The VA uses priority groups to better assign resources across its healthcare system.
Generally, earlier priority group numbers mean a veteran has priority to make appointments and get care sooner.
Veterans with a 100 percent VA rating meet the eligibility requirements for Health Care Priority Group 1, which is the highest priority group available and no co-payments.
What types are services are covered by VA healthcare?
VA healthcare benefits include a wide range of services such as:
- Routine health exams.
- Health education (including nutrition education).
- Immunization against infectious diseases (like COVID-19 and flu shots).
- Counseling on genetic diseases (diseases that run in families).
- Tests used to diagnose health conditions, including blood work, X-rays, and ultrasounds.
- Therapy and rehabilitation services, including physical therapy, vision rehab, and therapy for traumatic brain injury.
- Additional services, including prosthetic items, audiology (care for hearing loss), and radiation oncology (cancer care).
- Surgeries.
- Medical treatments.
- Kidney dialysis.
- Acute care (short-term treatment for a severe illness or injury or after surgery).
- Specialized care (including organ transplants, intensive care for mental and physical conditions, and care for traumatic injuries).
- Urgent or emergency care at some VA health facilities.
- Private urgent care services for injuries and illnesses that need attention right away, but aren’t life threatening, including walk-in retail health clinic for minor illnesses like a sore throat or earache AND Urgent care facilities for more pressing (but not life-threatening) illnesses or injuries that require treatment like splinting, casting, or wound car.
- Mental health services to treat conditions such as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), military sexual trauma (MST), Depression, Anxiety, Adjustment Disorder, and substance use problems.
- Assisted living and home health care (depending on your needs and income as well as space in the programs).
- Prescription medications written or approved by a VA doctor.
Learn more about VA healthcare benefits and services HERE.
#4. VA Dental Benefits

Do 100 percent disabled veterans qualify for VA dental benefits?
VA dental care services depend on several factors, such as your VA disability rating, service-connected dental disabilities, current home/living situation, etc.
Based upon these factors, the VA places veterans into a “Benefits Class” and you’ll get the specific VA dental benefits (and priority) assigned to that class.
Generally, a disabled veteran must have a 100% scheduler VA disability rating, 100 percent P&T rating, or a 100 percent unemployable rating (not temporary) to qualify for free VA dental care.
*Note: If you’re being paid at the 100% rate based on a temporary rating (for a reason such as a long stay in the hospital or rehab care), you do not qualify for VA dental benefits.
Click HERE to learn more about FREE VA dental care eligibility for 100 percent disabled veterans.
#5. VA Vision Benefits

Does the VA cover free eye exams for disabled veterans?
Yes, if you qualify for VA healthcare benefits, the VA will cover routine eye exams and preventive vision testing.
Can I get free eyeglasses through the VA?
Yes, if you have a VA rating of 10 percent or higher, the VA will provide veterans with one free pair of eyeglasses per year.
To learn more about VA Vision Benefits, click HERE.
#6. VA Hearing Aids

Does the VA provide free hearing aids for disabled veterans?
Yes, if you qualify for VA healthcare benefits, an audiologist will determine the need for hearing aids and/or other hearing assistive devices.
If hearing aids are recommended and fit, the hearing aids, repairs, and future batteries will all be at no charge to you, so long long as you maintain VA eligibility for care.
Click HERE to learn more about VA Hearing Aids.
#7. CHAMPVA Healthcare Benefits for Dependents

Do 100 percent disabled veterans qualify for CHAMPVA?
Yes, if you are 100 percent permanently and totally disabled, your dependents will get to take advantage of the Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs (CHAMPVA).
CHAMPVA is a FANTASTIC healthcare benefits program with literally no drawbacks.
It’s one of the best 100 percent disabled veteran benefits PERIOD.
The only issue is that you must be 100 percent permanent and total to qualify for it.
If you do, your dependents will get free private medical care for life.
You’ll need to apply for CHAMPVA healthcare by mail, which can take 12 weeks or more for approval.
To learn more about CHAMPVA benefits or to apply, click HERE.
#8. VA Dependents Educational Assistance (DEA)

Do I qualify for Chapter 35 (DEA) benefits?
If you’re the child or spouse of a veteran or service member who has died, is captured, missing, or has disabilities, you may be able to get help paying for school or job training through the DEA program, also known as Chapter 35 benefits.
Generally, a disabled veteran must be 100 percent permanently and totally disabled due to a service connected disability for dependents to qualify.
How much is the Chapter 35 stipend?
The VA will send you a monthly stipend between $43.27 and $1,298 (click HERE to view rates) to help cover the cost of:
- College or graduate degree programs
- Career-training certificate courses
- Educational and career counseling
- Apprenticeships
- On-the-job training
Click HERE to find out if you’re eligible for this incredible benefit for survivors and dependents of eligible disabled veterans.
#9. 100 Percent VA Disability Benefits: Veteran Student Loan Forgiveness

Do disabled veterans qualify for student loan forgiveness?
Yes, the Disabled Veteran Student Loan Forgiveness Program (formally known as “TPD Discharge”) clears the Federal Student Loan Debt of veterans who are Totally and Permanently Disabled with a 100% P&T VA Rating OR have a 100 percent Total Disability Individual Unemployability (TDIU).
A little-known fact is that if you’re a veteran with a 100 percent scheduler VA disability rating (neither P&T nor TDIU status apply to you), you’re also eligible for Disabled Veteran Student Loan Forgiveness.
We’ve seen hundreds of fellow disabled veterans get their student loans discharged in 30 days or less.
Literally, this is one of the best 100 disabled veterans benefits available this year.
Click HERE to learn more about the TPD Discharge Program.
#10. Voc Rehab Program (VR&E)

What is the Voc Rehab program?
If you’re a disabled veteran, chances are many jobs may be difficult for you to do.
The Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E) program—also known as Chapter 31 benefits or “Voc Rehab”—will help you find work appropriate to your abilities and then also help you GET that work via training services such as resume building and job search leads.
And if your disability is so consuming that you cannot immediately consider work, this program provides services to help you live independently in the meantime.
You’ll collaborate with a counselor to determine exactly what your employment handicap is and, thereby, create an individualized plan based on what kind of help you need.
In addition to job search help, your program might include on-the-job training, non-paid work experience, compensated work therapy, or other services.
Typically, the VA pays for it all, including tuition, fees, books, equipment and even a subsistence allowance for you, if appropriate.
Am I eligible for VA Voc Rehab?
This service is for veterans who have both a service-connected disability AND an employment handicap.
There are two thresholds you could meet: either you have a 20% disability rating and an unemployment handicap, or you have a 10% rating and have been determined to have a serious employment handicap.
Click HERE to learn more about Chapter 31 Voc Rehab program.
#11. Free Vehicle Registration and License Plates for Disabled Veterans

Do 100 percent disabled veterans get free license plates?
In most states, 100 percent disabled veterans qualify for free motor vehicle registration and special license plates.
However, this is a state specific requirement and benefits vary.
Click HERE to view our complete list of veteran benefits by state to see if you qualify.
#12. Property Tax Exemptions for 100 Percent Disabled Veterans

Which states have property tax waivers for disabled veterans?
Most states offer some sort of property tax exemption for disabled veterans.
However, 17 states offer full waiver of property taxes for 100 percent disabled veterans on their primary residence.
While not all 50 states offer the same tax breaks for disabled veterans, and the criteria to qualify for a waiver differs from state to state, it’s in your best interest to check with your state county tax assessor’s office to see if you qualify.
You may be eligible to save thousands of dollars each year with this incredible state benefit due to reduced or no property taxes owed.
Click HERE to view property tax exemptions by state.
#13. Space-A Travel Flights

Do 100 percent disabled veterans qualify for Space-A flights?
Yes, veterans with a 100 percent VA rating or 100% permanent and total disability rating can jump on any scheduled or unscheduled military flight (Category VI eligible) operated by Air Mobility Command (AMC), subject to availability.
Click HERE to view Space-A travel requirements
#14. Commissary and Exchange Benefits

Do disabled veterans get commissary and exchange benefits?
Yes, Commissaries, Exchanges, and MWR facilities are available in-person and online for disabled veterans with a service connected VA rating of 0 percent or higher.
This is a fantastic new benefit that went into effect in 2020.
Be sure to take advantage of tax free purchases on a wide array of products and services.
#15. State Benefits for 100 Disabled Veterans

Do veteran benefits differ by state?
Yes, all 50 states and territories have their own benefits for veterans.
100 percent disabled veterans generally qualify for the highest level of state benefits.
The top 5 states for veteran benefits are Texas, Florida, Alaska, Nevada, and Illinois.
State specific benefits for veterans include property tax exemptions, income tax waivers, education benefits, free driver’s licenses, free hunting licenses, free fishing licenses, help with employment and housing, and cash payments for serving in a time of war.
Click HERE to view a comprehensive list of veteran benefits by state.
List of Veteran Benefits by State in Alphabetical Order (2022)
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- Florida
- Georgia
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Montana
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virginia
- Washington
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
List of Veteran Benefits by Territory
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About the Author

Brian Reese
Brian Reese is a world-renowned VA disability benefits expert and the #1 bestselling author of VA Claim Secrets and You Deserve It. Motivated by his own frustration with the VA claim process, Brian founded VA Claims Insider to help disabled veterans secure their VA disability compensation faster, regardless of their past struggles with the VA. Since 2013, he has positively impacted the lives of over 10 million military, veterans, and their families.
A former active-duty Air Force officer, Brian has extensive experience leading diverse teams in challenging international environments, including a combat tour in Afghanistan in 2011 supporting Operation ENDURING FREEDOM.
Brian is a Distinguished Graduate of Management from the United States Air Force Academy and earned his MBA from Oklahoma State University’s Spears School of Business, where he was a National Honor Scholar, ranking in the top 1% of his class.