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Your Guide to the Best Missouri Veterans Benefits Available Now
In addition to the federal benefits available to all eligible U.S. military veterans regardless of location, each U.S. state offers additional benefits and exemptions for veterans and their families that are unique to that state.
Missouri is no exception!
Table of Contents

More than 320,000 veterans make their home in the Show-Me State (about 8% of the population). Missouri is proud to honor and support those who served.
VA Claims Insider has put together this guide to the best Missouri veteran benefits to help you find all the benefits you’ve earned!
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What Are the Top Missouri Veterans Benefits?
Veteran benefits in Missouri include (but are not limited to):
- Property and auto tax exemptions
- Tuition assistance and training programs
- Employment and business assistance
- Hiring preferences
- Special vehicle license plates and placards
- Hunting and fishing permits
- Veteran women and minorities outreach
- Counseling for health, family, and legal matters
Your military branch, career, disability, and residency status can affect benefit eligibility.
The Missouri Veterans Commission (MVC) administers many of the programs and benefits in Missouri. Visit the MVC Benefits and Resource Portal or contact the MVC to learn more about your state and federal benefits or for help with claims and applications.
Missouri also has more than 40 trained and accredited Veterans Service Officers (VSOs) to assist you with benefits. To find the one nearest you, use the online VSO locator.
Of course, VA Claims Insider stands ready to support veterans in getting a higher rating faster by filling the gaps in your claim and providing encouragement as well as education and insider tips. We’ve helped over 25,000 veterans stop fighting and start winning. Learn more about a Free VA Claim Discovery Call or our ELITE program.
Read on for the ultimate guide to the best Missouri veteran benefits available to you right now!
Missouri Veterans Benefits for Taxes
Missouri veteran benefits include property tax credits and income tax exemptions.
Property Tax Credits for Disabled Veterans in Missouri
The Missouri Property Tax Credit Claim allows some disabled veterans to claim credit for a portion of their real estate taxes or rent paid for the year.
If you are 100 percent disabled due to military service, you are not required to include your veteran payments and benefits when filling out the tax credit application.
You must attach a letter from the VA that states you are 100 percent disabled due to military service.

The maximum credit is $750 for renters and $1,100 for homeowners. The credit amount is based on the amount of your real estate taxes (or rent paid) and your total household income (taxable and nontaxable).
Missouri Disabled Veteran Benefits Exempt POWs from Property Taxes
Former prisoners of war who have a total service-connected disability rating from the VA are exempt from taxes on property used as a homestead. The Missouri Department of Revenue does not administer this exemption but has a military liaison available to answer questions about income tax and other issues.
Visit the Missouri Department of Revenue or call (573) 751-3505.
Income Tax Deduction for Retirement Pension
All military retirement pension income is 100% deductible from Missouri income tax.
Missouri Veterans Benefits for Education
Missouri offers several programs and benefits for veterans and service members (and their families) who seek tuition and education support.

In-State Tuition Eligibility for Discharged Service Members
Veterans who receive an honorable or general discharge and who declare residency in Missouri will be considered a resident of Missouri for admission purposes and tuition at approved public four-year and two-year colleges and universities.
Education and Training
The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) oversees veterans’ education programs for the State of Missouri and the VA.
DESE is the Missouri State Approving Agency (MSAA) for institutions that provide veterans education, training, and vocational rehabilitation.
Missouri Returning Heroes Act
Missouri veteran benefits provide reduced tuition for combat veterans attending public institutions of higher education, thanks to the Missouri Returning Heroes Act. You remain eligible for 10 years from your discharge date.
For certificates, associate, and bachelor’s degrees, public institutions must limit tuition to $50 per credit hour. Veterans must maintain a 2.5 GPA.
When pursuing a graduate degree, eligibility for reduced tuition extends 20 years from your discharge. Veterans pay no more than 30% of the cost of tuition and fees for graduate degrees.
This only applies to combat veterans enrolled in a program leading to a graduate degree.
Read more about the Missouri Returning Heroes Act.
Wartime Veteran’s Survivors Grant Program
A similar program called the Wartime Veteran’s Survivors Grant Program also covers children and spouses of those veterans killed or disabled in combat since September 11, 2001.
Deaths or injuries caused by an illness during combat service qualify. You must have a combined disability rating of 80% or higher. The Missouri Veterans Commission is responsible for determining eligibility.
Student eligibility includes the following criteria:
- For spouses, married at the time of death.
- For children, age of less than 25, plus status as the veteran’s dependent at the time of death.
Read more about it here: Wartime Veteran’s Survivors Grant.
Missouri Veteran Benefits Give Academic Credit for Military Courses
All Missouri public universities, colleges, vocational, and technical schools award credits to an enrolled student veteran for equivalent courses that were part of the student’s military training or service. The military courses must meet specific standards for academic credit.
Missouri Veterans Benefits for Employment
Missouri veteran benefits provide support to veterans and members of their families who are seeking employment.
Missouri VA Benefits for State Employment
State agencies that administer federally funded employment and training programs give priority to qualified veterans and their families.
Missouri Veterans receive five preference points when testing for any state employment position. Service-connected disabled veterans receive ten preference points.
Spouses of eligible veterans may also qualify.
Missouri Private Employers May Offer Hiring Preference to Veterans
Any private employer may grant preference in hiring and promotion to any 100% disabled veteran, the spouse of the veteran, or the surviving spouse of a deceased veteran.
Professional License Qualifications for Missouri Veterans
Professional licensing boards or commissions of the State of Missouri consider education, training, or service as valid qualifications for professional licensing or certification. Satisfactory evidence of training or service must be provided.
Licensing and certification tests can be paid for by the VA. Licensing is handled by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. You can visit their website or call (888) 442-4551 for more information.
Missouri VA Benefits in the Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development
The Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development has staff throughout the state to assist you.
Local Veterans Employment Representatives (LVERs) can help with job placement and access to benefits. They also advocate for veterans by developing employment opportunities with businesses.
Disabled Veterans’ Outreach Program (DVOP) specialists provide case management and develop career and job-training opportunities, with special emphasis on Missouri disabled veteran benefits.
The DVOP specialist provides transitional assistance to separating service members, identifying employment and training opportunities, and direct referrals to jobs. They also monitor job listings from federal contractors to ensure priority of service and referrals.
Call the Missouri Career Center at (888) 728-5627.
You can also visit the Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development website.
Missouri VA Benefits for On-the-Job Training
The Show-Me Heroes program supports on-the-job training (OJT) by reimbursing businesses for 50% of the wages of workers hired through the program (for up to 1040 hours of OJT).
Based on the job requirements, Show-Me Heroes matches businesses with the skills of Missouri veterans. The OJT position must be permanent and full-time (at least 32 hours per week), and the business must participate in E-Verify. (Learn more about E-Verify.)
Business owners can contact the Missouri Job Center at (888) 728-5627 to confirm eligibility.
For more about Show-Me Heroes, visit jobs.mo.gov.
Missouri FIRST Program Invests in Veteran-Owned Small Businesses
The Missouri State Treasurer’s Office linked deposit program, Missouri FIRST, invests in veteran-owned small businesses.
The program uses qualified lending institutions to provide low-interest loans to help grow and expand economic opportunities. Eligibility includes any company owned by an honorably discharged Missouri veteran who agrees to locate their business in the state for at least three years and employs fewer than 100 employees.
Participating lending institutions give priority to veteran-owned businesses when considering which small businesses should receive reduced-rate loans.
If you receive a small business loan through the program, you must also complete a boots-to-business program approved by the Dept. of Economic Development.
Office of Missouri State Treasurer
Attn: Missouri Linked Deposit Program
P.O. Box 210, Jefferson City, Mo. 65102
(573) 751-2372
Unemployment Benefits for Spouses of Missouri Veterans
Spouses of active or reserve military personnel can be eligible for unemployment insurance benefits if leaving their jobs to relocate with their active/reserve spouse.
NOTE: You should file in the state you last worked to determine your eligibility for unemployment benefits.
More information is available in the Missouri Unemployment Benefits for Trailing Spouses fact sheet.
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Missouri Veterans Benefits for Driver and Vehicle Licenses
Missouri veteran benefits at the Missouri Department of Revenue include dedicated resources to assist military personnel and their families with tax, motor vehicle, and driver’s licensing matters.
Email [email protected] or call (816) 236-9440.
Veteran Designation for Driver Licenses and State ID
A veteran designation for your driver license or state ID can be added upon request. Present one of the following discharge status verification documents:
- U.S Department of Defense discharge document (DD Form 214) showing honorable discharge
- U.S. Uniformed Services Identification Card (DD Form 2) indicating discharge status of the “retired” or “reserve retired” service member
- VA photo identification card
- DD214 equivalent: WD AGO 53, WD AGO 55, WD AGO 53-55, NAVPERS 553, NAVMC 78 PD, NAVCG 553, or DD 215 showing honorable discharge

There’s no cost to add the indicator. Standard processing fees apply to new, renewal, or duplicate transactions. You’re not required by law to obtain the veteran designation.
The veteran designation is added to the front of printed cards issued on or after June 22, 2020. For previously issued documents, the designation is added to the back of the card.
If you don’t have one of the acceptable documents listed above, send a copy of your documentation and contact information to:
Missouri Veterans Commission
Attn: Veterans License Designation
P.O. Box 147
205 Jefferson St.
Jefferson City, Mo. 65102-0147
The MVC will review the documentation, and if the submitted documents are acceptable, MVC will issue an equivalency letter to you. Take the letter to a license office and apply for the veteran designation.
CDL Skills Test Waivers
Missouri veteran benefits include a waiver of skills testing for a commercial driver’s license (CDL).
You must have been regularly employed within one year before the application date in a job requiring the operation of a commercial motor vehicle.
You also must have operated the commercial vehicle in the military for at least two years preceding separation from the military. Applicants must still complete the required knowledge examinations for the desired commercial driver license class.
Application for Military CDL Skills Test Waiver Form 5140
The application form can be faxed upon request or acquired at a local license office.
Even Exchange Missouri allows veterans to apply for a waiver of knowledge and skills testing for a CDL. You may be eligible if you were employed or designated for one of the following MOS ratings:
- U.S. Army 88M, 14T, or 92F
- U.S. Air Force 2T1, 2F0, or 3E2
- U.S. Marine Corps 3531
- U.S. Navy E.O.
Sales Tax Exemption for Modified Vehicles
Equipment needed to modify vehicles for use by a disabled veteran is exempt from Missouri state sales tax.
You can receive the exemption when titling the vehicle at the Missouri Department of Revenue or a licensing office. Present an invoice or other documentation showing the vehicle and equipment price separately.
License Renewals
You may renew an expired motor vehicle registration up to 60 days after completion of military service without a $5 renewal penalty.
The vehicle may not be operated while the registration is expired. Be prepared to show your documented date of discharge.
Missouri Veteran Benefits for Vehicle License Plates
Missouri offers more than 40 different types of personalized license plates to honor your military service. You can see the full array of available personalized plates here.
Free Plates for Disabled Veterans
Missouri veterans with any service-connected VA disability can apply for a free set of disabled veteran plates. You can also get additional disabled veteran license plates at registration cost.
Military Placards
Missouri veteran benefits provide a Military Award Placard—a removable placard that allows you to park your motor vehicle without charge in a:
- Metered parking space (contingent upon approval of local authorities)
- Parking lot or garage on any public college or university in the state of Missouri (except for special events where a separate fee may apply)
A Military Award Placard may be issued to veterans with any of the following medals:
- Distinguished Service Cross
- Air Force Cross
- Coast Guard Cross
- Congressional Medal of Honor
- Former Prisoner Of War
- Purple Heart
- Silver Star
- Navy Cross
- Distinguished Flying Cross
- Bronze Star
- Bronze Star Valor
To get the placard, submit a completed and signed Application for Missouri Military Personalized License Plates (Form 4601).
You must already have one of the specialty plates listed above or present verification of the award.
Standard documents demonstrating the award of medal are Form DD214; correction to Form DD214 (Form DD215); or a citation letter given with the award that states the medal has been received.
There is no fee charged for the placard. You can complete the application at a local license office or mail it to:
Motor Vehicle Bureau
P.O. Box 569
Jefferson City, Mo. 65105-0569
Call (573) 526-3669 or email [email protected].
Before using this placard, contact local authorities to confirm that the Military Award Placard is recognized in that jurisdiction.
Missouri Disabled Veteran Benefits for Renewed Designated Plates and Placards
Missouri veteran benefits exempt you from the four-year certification requirement for renewing disabled license plates or placards.
Initial applications must include a physician’s statement confirming the disability.
Military Liaison at the Missouri Department of Revenue
The Missouri Department of Revenue has a military liaison to answer questions about Missouri income tax, driver licenses, motor vehicle registrations, and other issues.
You may also obtain information about motor vehicle and driver license from the department by contacting:
- Driver License Bureau, P.O. Box 200, Jefferson City, Mo. 65105-0200, (573) 526-2407
- Motor Vehicle Bureau, P.O. Box 100, Jefferson City, Mo. 65105-0100, (573) 526-3669
Missouri Veterans Benefits for Outdoor Recreation
Missouri veterans can enjoy the natural beauty of the Show-Me State with reduced license costs and camping fees.
Missouri VA Benefits for Hunting and Fishing Permits
Missouri disabled veteran benefits allow you to fish and hunt without a permit. (This doesn’t include hunting deer and turkey).
You are eligible if you:
- Have a VA disability rating of at least 60%
- Were a POW during military service, or
- Are assigned as a patient to a Warrior Transition Brigade, Warrior Transition Unit, or military medical center
Nonresident veterans who meet the above requirements may purchase resident permits. You must carry a certified statement of eligibility from the VA. Your immediate family members may also purchase resident permits.
Learn more and see application forms here.
Missouri VA Benefits for Camping
Missouri veterans (and their families) can receive a $2 per night camping discount at Missouri state parks.
Ask for the discount at the time of purchase and provide proper military identification (CAC card, DD1173, or DD214, or other documentation as shown here).
Missouri Veterans Benefits for Women
Missouri veteran benefits include the state’s Women Veterans Initiative.
The Missouri Veterans Commission’s (MVC) women veterans coordinator works to ensure that the state’s women veterans have equitable access to federal and state veterans services.
They seek out women veterans, knowing that of nearly 50,000 women veterans in the state, an estimated 30-40% have not applied for federal and state benefits.
You can find dedicated assistance for Missouri women veterans at the following locations:
- St. Louis VA Regional Office, 400 S. 18th St., St. Louis, Mo. 63103; (800) 827-1000
- Kansas City Medical Center, 4251 Northern Ave, Kansas City, Mo. 64133, (816 ) 861-4700 extension 5650
- Truman VA Medical Center, 800 Hospital Drive, Columbia, Mo. 65201-5297, (573) 814-6000 extension 56457
- Pershing Medical Center, 1500 N. Westwood Blvd, Poplar Bluff, Mo. 63901, (573) 778-4398
- St. Louis Medical Center, 1 Jefferson Barracks Drive, St. Louis, Mo. 63125, (314) 289-7676
Contact the Missouri Veterans Commission’s women veterans coordinator:
Grace Moss205 Jefferson St.
Jefferson City, Mo. 65102
(573) 522-4061
Missouri Veterans Commission Minority Veterans Initiative
The Missouri Veterans Commission’s (MVC) Minority Veterans Initiative strives to help minority veterans and their families through community service organizations, state agencies, homeless facilities, clergy members, and other outlets.
The MVC also serves as an information resource station, providing pamphlets on various state and federal benefit programs.
Missouri Veterans Benefits for Health Care
Missouri veteran benefits are available to those who served, providing medical care and assistance. In conjunction with the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs, Missouri VA benefits and facilities are available throughout the Show-Me State.
Missouri VA Medical Centers
Missouri VA benefits are provided at ten locations (and one mobile unit):
- Bolivar
American Legion Howard S. Keeling Post 138, 1424 W. Broadway St, Bolivar, Mo. 65613, (417) 326-3353; Thursday of every month, 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
- Carrollton
Community Center/Fire Department, 710 Harvest Hills Drive, Carrollton, MO 64633, (660) 542-2178; second Thursday of every month, 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
- Columbia
Harry S Truman Memorial, 800 Hospital Drive, Columbia, Mo. 65201-5297, (573) 814-6000
- Kansas City
Kansas City VA Medical Center, 4801 Linwood Blvd, Kansas City, Mo. 64128, (816) 861-4700
- Olathe
American Legion Post 153, 410 E. Dennis Ave., Olathe, Kan. 66061, (913) 782-0621; first and third Wednesday, second and fourth Monday every month, 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
- Poplar Bluff
John J. Pershing Medical Center, 1500 N. Westwood Blvd, Poplar Bluff, Mo. 63901, (573) 686-4151
- St. Louis
Jefferson Barracks, Division 1, Jefferson Barracks Drive, Saint Louis, Mo. 63125, (314) 652-4100
- St. Louis
John Cochran Division, 915 N. Grand Blvd., Saint Louis, Mo. 63106, (314) 652-4100
Trenton, MO Wright Memorial Hospital 191 Iowa Blvd., Trenton, Mo. 64683, (660) 358-5700; every Tuesday, 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
- Warrensburg
American Legion Post 131, 733 E. Young Ave., Warrensburg, Mo. 64093, (660) 747-5957; every Wednesday, first and third Monday, 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
- VA Mobile Medical Unit (MMU)
To schedule an appointment with the MMU, call (816) 861-4700 extension 52977, or (800) 525-1483 extension 52977
Missouri VA Vet Centers
Missouri’s Vet Centers are run by the VA but are separate from the medical centers. Vet Centers help veterans and their families with life after combat. Services include:
- Individual and group counseling for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- Alcohol and drug assessments
- Suicide prevention referrals
- Bereavement counseling
- Missouri VA benefits assistance
- Employment counseling
- Community resources
- Guidance on educational opportunities
There are four of these Vet Centers in the state:
- Columbia: Vet Center, 4040 Rangeline Road, Suite 105, Columbia, Mo. 65202, (573) 814-6206
- Kansas City: Vet Center, 4800 Main St., Suite 107, Kansas City, Mo. 64112, (816) 753-1866
- Springfield: Vet Center, 3616 S. Campbell Ave, Springfield, Mo. 65807, (417) 881-4197
- St. Louis: Vet Center, 2901 Olive St, Louis, Mo. 63103, (314) 531-5355
Missouri Disabled Veteran Benefits at Community-Based Outpatient Clinics
Community-Based Outpatient Clinics (CBOC) are VA-operated medical facilities available statewide. Benefits include:
- Primary care services such as routine physical exams
- Immunizations
- Prescription of medications
- On-site lab and X-ray services
- Women’s care
- Referrals
- Mental health, counseling, and group therapy
There are 28 locations throughout Missouri:
- Branson: 5571 Gretna Road, Branson, Mo. 65616, (417) 243-2300
- Belton: 209 Cunningham Parkway, Belton, Mo. 64012, (816) 922-2161
- Cameron: 311 Little Brick Road, Cameron, Mo. 64429, (816) 632-1369
- Cape Girardeau: 3051 William St., Cape Girardeau, Mo. 63703, (573) 339-0909
- Excelsior Springs: 197 N. McCleary Road, Excelsior Springs, Mo. 64024, (816) 922-2970
- Farmington: 1580 W. Columbia St., Farmington, Mo. 63640, (573) 760-1365
- Florissant: 6854 Parker Road, Florissant, Mo. 63033, (314) 286-6988
- Jefferson City: 3430 W. Edgewood Drive, Jefferson City, Mo. 65109, (573) 635-0233
- Joplin: 3015 S. Connecticut Ave., Joplin, Mo. 64804, (800) 691-8387
- Kansas City: 4251 Northern Ave, Kansas City, Mo. 64133, (816) 861-4700
- Kirksville: 506 Rosewood Drive, Kirksville, Mo. 63501, (660) 627-8387
- Lake of the Ozarks/Osage Beach: 940 Executive Drive, Osage Beach, Mo. 65065; Veterans Administration Health Care, (573) 302-7890
- Marshfield: 1240 Banning St., Marshfield, Mo. 65706, (417) 468-1963
- Mexico: 3460 S. Clark St., Mexico, Mo. 65265, (573) 581-9630
- Nevada: 322 S. Prewitt St., Nevada, Mo. 64772, (417) 448-8905
- O’Fallon: 844 Waterbury Falls Drive, O’Fallon, Mo. 63368, (314) 286-6988
- Platte City: 2303 Higgins Road, Suite F, Platte City, Mo. 64079, (800) 952-8387 extension 59141
- Sedalia: 3320 West 10th St., Sedalia, Mo. 65301, (660) 826-3800
- Sikeston: 903 S. Kingshighway, Sikeston, Mo. 63801, (573) 472-2139
- Springfield: 1850 W. Republic Road, Springfield, Mo. 65807, (844) 501-8387 extension 64500
- St. James: 207 Matlock Drive, St. James, Mo. 65559, (573) 265-0448
- St. Joseph: 3302 S. Belt Highway, Suite P, St. Joseph, Mo. 64503, (816) 676-1044
- St. Louis: 4974 Manchester Ave., St. Louis, Mo. 63110, (314) 289-6566
- St. Louis: 2727 Washington Ave., St. Louis, Mo. 63103, (314) 289-7659
- Warrensburg: 702 E. Young St., Warrensburg, Mo. 64093, (816) 922-2500 extension 54281
- Washington: 1627 Aroy Drive, Washington, Mo. 63090, (314) 289-7950
- Waynesville: Fort Leonard Wood, 700 GW Lane, Waynesville, Mo. 65583, (573) 774-2285
- West Plains: 1801 E. State Route K, West Plains, Mo. 65775, (417) 257-2454
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DAV Transportation Network
Missouri disabled veteran benefits include transportation to and from VA medical facilities as needed. Disabled American Veterans (DAV) operates a nationwide transportation network with volunteer drivers.
Because the network depends on volunteers, it is unable to cover every community. Consult the following contacts to see if transportation is available in your area.
- Michael T. Elmore, Program Coordinator, 413 W. Hickory, Kirksville, Mo. 63501, (660) 627-0328
- Harry S Truman Medical Center, 800 Hospital Drive, Room 538, Columbia, Mo. 65201, (573) 814-6002
- Kansas City VA Medical Center, 4801 Linwood Blvd., Room M1-569, Kansas City, Mo. 64128, (816) 922-2884
- Springfield DAV Unit 11, 2525 E. Division St, Springfield, Mo. 65803, (417) 862-3910
- John J. Pershing Medical Center, 1500 N. Westwood Blvd, Poplar Bluff, Mo. 63901, (573) 778-4616
- John Cochran Medical Center, 915 N. Grand Blvd., Room A339D, St. Louis, Mo. 63106, (314) 289-6443
- Jefferson Barracks Medical Center, 1 Jefferson Barracks Drive, St. Louis, Mo. 63125, (314) 289-6443
Missouri Veterans Homes
The Missouri Veterans Homes Program operates seven veterans homes whose mission is to “honor and serve the veterans whose dedication and sacrifice have preserved our nation and its freedoms.”
These state-run veterans homes provide long-term, skilled nursing care.
There are Missouri veterans homes located in:
- Cameron
- Cape Girardeau
- Mexico
- Mount Vernon
- St. James
- St. Louis
- Warrensburg
Each of these homes employs a licensed nursing home administrator, has registered nurses on duty 24 hours per day, and provides:
- Physician care
- Physical, speech, occupational and recreational therapy
- Medications
- Cosmetology
- Social services
- Dietary specialists.
Eligibility and admission decisions are made by a team comprising the administrator, physician, director of nursing, social worker, Veterans Service Officer, and other professionals as needed.
For admissions questions, contact the admissions coordinator for that home. For admission to a home, you will need to provide all of the following:
- Copy of DD214
- Durable Power of Attorney Paperwork
- Proof of Residency
During the application process, you will also be asked to provide medical information and financial information. The monthly resident charge is calculated on a sliding scale based on your ability to pay.
Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program
The Long-Term Care Ombudsman program advocates in Veterans Homes across Missouri. Their mission is to protect and improve the quality of care (and quality of life) for residents of VA homes.
The Ombudsman provides support and assistance with problems or complaints and advocates on behalf of the veterans. They also connect veterans or spouses of deceased veterans in nursing homes or residential care facilities with a Veterans Service Officer to obtain VA benefits.
Email [email protected]
Learn more here.
Missouri VA Benefits at the Missouri Department of Mental Health
The Missouri Department of Mental Health aims to serve veterans and their families.
The department’s web page provides a menu of services and maps that help connect veterans with clinicians to meet their specific needs.
You can key in your address, then use filters that best describe the health concern you have. The filter options also tell you if the provider accepts Tricare insurance and whether they have military experience.
Email [email protected]
Missouri Veteran Crisis Line
The Veterans Crisis Line is a toll-free, confidential resource that connects veterans and their families and friends with qualified, caring VA responders.
Veterans and their loved ones can chat by phone, online, or text message for free confidential support, 24/7/365, even if they are not registered with VA or enrolled for Missouri VA benefits.
The professionals at the Veterans Crisis Line are trained and experienced in helping veterans of all ages and circumstances, from coping with mental health issues to troubled relationships or transitions to civilian life.
Call (800) 273-8255 and press 1.
Text 838255.
Chat online.
Additional Missouri Veterans Benefits
Several other organizations and agencies address the personal needs of veterans and their families in a variety of life situations.
Missouri VA Benefits at Family Assistance Centers
Soldier and Family Readiness Specialists (SFRS) run Family Assistance Centers (FACs) at 12 locations located throughout the state. The SFRSs provide the unit commander with a point of contact for veterans and family members needing assistance.
The FACs empower veterans and their families with information and assistance to meet their needs. For Missouri veteran benefits and service, contact:
- Lead Soldier and Family Readiness Specialist, (573) 638-9500 Ext. 37009; (573) 777-0972
- State Family Program Director, (573) 638-9891
Missouri VA Benefits and the Attorney General Office’s Defenders Program
Missouri veteran benefits include free estate-planning workshops to help you through the changes that come with transitioning to civilian life.
Missouri Attorney General’s Office Defenders Program
P.O. Box 899, Jefferson City, MO 65102
Call (573) 751-6733 or fax (573)751-2041
Learn more here.
Homeless Services
Missouri veteran benefits provide a homeless veterans coordinator at every Missouri VA medical center. The coordinator provides information about the services for homeless veterans through the Veterans Health Administration, such as outreach, case management, referrals to benefits counselors, links to health care, and housing assistance.
Each facility is unique, and services vary at each medical center. When the coordinator is unavailable, homeless veterans in need of assistance after hours should contact the VA medical center’s emergency room. All VA medical centers can provide referrals to emergency shelter services.
Call (877) 424-3838. You can call for yourself or for a veteran you know. All calls are free and confidential. Missouri VA benefits ensure there are trained responders available 24/7.
Missouri VA Benefits Provide Free Criminal Background Checks for the Homeless
The Missouri State Highway Patrol, as the designated Missouri state identification bureau, will provide a free criminal background check regarding employment, housing, or any other service for any honorably discharged homeless veteran.
Missouri VA Benefits and the Missouri Veterans Awards Program
Missouri’s Veterans Awards Program provides a medal, medallion, and certificate to Missouri veterans of World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Shield, Desert Storm, Iraqi Freedom, and New Dawn. World War II veterans who participated in the D-Day invasion can receive a replica of the Jubilee of Liberty medal. Missouri National Guard members may also apply for these medals whether or not they were residents of Missouri. Veterans, spouses of veterans, or the oldest living survivor of a qualifying veteran may also apply.
Contact the Office of the Adjutant General, Veterans Awards
P.O. Box 1808
Jefferson City, Mo. 65102
Learn more here.
Missouri Veterans Benefits: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What tax exemptions are available as Missouri disabled veteran benefits?
If you have a 100% VA disability rating, you’re exempt from including veteran payments and benefits on your Missouri property tax credit form. The maximum credit is $750 for renters and $1,100 for those who own and occupy their home. This credit’s available to you if you’re 65 or older, 100% disabled, 60 years of age or older, and receiving surviving spouse benefits. Former POWs receive the same tax credits.
What are the Missouri VA benefits in the Returning Heroes Act?
The Returning Heroes Act provides reduced tuition for combat veterans attending public institutions of higher education. For ten years after your discharge date, higher-education tuition is limited to $50 per credit hour. Eligibility extends to 20 years from discharge for veterans pursuing a graduate degree; these students pay no more than 30% of the cost of tuition and fees for their degrees.
Do Missouri VA benefits help those who are business owners?
Yes! Missouri veteran benefits help veteran-owned small businesses through reduced-rate loans from the Missouri Linked Deposit Program. Participating lending institutions give priority to veteran-owned businesses when considering which small businesses should receive reduced-rate loans.
Does Missouri provide incentives for businesses to hire veterans?
The Show-Me Heroes program promotes on-the-job training (OJT) for veterans by reimbursing businesses for up to 50% of wages.
Are there hiring preferences for Missouri disabled veterans?
Yes! Private employers can grant preference in hiring and promotion to any 100% disabled veteran, the veteran’s spouse, or the surviving spouse of a deceased veteran.
Does Missouri help disabled veterans with motor-vehicle modifications?
Yes! Missouri disabled veteran benefits ensure that equipment to modify vehicles for use by a disabled individual is exempt from sales tax.
Do Missouri veteran benefits apply to hunting, fishing, and camping?
Yes! Benefits include hunting and fishing permits and a $2 discount on camping in state parks.
Is there a program specifically designed for Missouri women veterans?
Yes! The state’s Women Veterans Initiative aims to ensure Missouri women veterans have equitable access to federal and state veterans services, and that they’re aware of their benefits, who to contact, and how to apply for their benefits.
Regardless of what state you live in, it’s important that you pursue the monthly compensation payments due to you for disabilities connected to your military service.
Most veterans are underrated for their disabilities and therefore not getting the compensation they deserve. At VA Claims Insider, we help veterans understand and take control of the claims process so they can get the rating and compensation they’re owed by law.
Our process takes the guesswork out of filing a VA disability claim and supports you every step of the way in building a fully-developed claim (FDC)—so you can increase your rating in less time!
If you’ve filed your VA disability claim and have been denied or have received a low rating – or you’re unsure how to get started – reach out to us for a FREE VA Claim Discovery Call, so you can FINALLY get the disability rating and compensation you deserve. We’ve supported more than 15,000 veterans to win their claims and increase their ratings. NOW IT’S YOUR TURN.
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About VA Claims Insider
VA Claims Insider is an education-based coaching/consulting company. We’re here for disabled veterans exploring eligibility for increased VA disability benefits and who wish to learn more about that process. We also connect veterans with independent medical professionals in our referral network for medical examinations, disability evaluations, and credible independent medical opinions and nexus statements (medical nexus letters) for a wide range of disability conditions.