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There are many Wisconsin veteran benefits and exemptions provided by the state to current and former members of the U.S. military.
More than 326,000 veterans make their home in the Badger State (about 7.2% of the population).
With such a large veteran population, it’s no wonder that Wisconsin veteran benefits are so plentiful.
- Wisconsin Veteran Benefits
- Wisconsin Veteran Benefits: Best of the Best
- Wisconsin Disabled Veteran Benefits for Property Tax Credit
- Wisconsin Veteran Benefits: No Tax on Retirement Pay
- Wisconsin Veteran Benefits for Education
- Wisconsin Veteran Benefits for Employment
- Wisconsin Disabled Veteran Benefits for State Employment
- Retraining Grants for Wisconsin Veterans
- Wisconsin Veteran Benefits at the Department of Workforce Development
- Veterans Employment Representatives
- Wisconsin Veteran Benefits Include Apprenticeships
- Miscellaneous Wisconsin Veteran Benefits for Employment
- Wisconsin Veteran Benefits for Professional Occupation Licensure
- Wisconsin Veteran Benefits for Business Ownership and Certification
- Wisconsin Veteran Benefits for Driver and Vehicle Licenses
- Wisconsin Veteran Benefits at the Department of Natural Resources
- Wisconsin Veteran Benefits to Prevent Homelessness
- Wisconsin Veterans Outreach and Recovery Program
- Wisconsin Veteran Benefits for Health Care
- Wisconsin Veteran Benefits Resource Center
- Wisconsin Veteran Benefits: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- Do Wisconsin disabled veteran benefits include property tax credits?
- What is the Wisconsin GI Bill?
- Do Wisconsin veteran benefits award academic credit for military training?
- Do Wisconsin veteran benefits include tuition assistance for the whole family?
- Do Wisconsin veteran benefits include help with employment?
- What Wisconsin veteran benefits are there for occupational licensing?
- Do Wisconsin veteran benefits provide grants for professional training?
- Are there Wisconsin veteran benefits for hunting and fishing?
- Do Wisconsin disabled veteran benefits include special privileges at state parks?
- Do Wisconsin veteran benefits help with homelessness?
- About the Author

Wisconsin Veteran Benefits
The state offers property tax credits, education and training programs, veteran employment services, and more to its veteran population. An excellent resource for veterans is the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs, which administers many Wisconsin veteran benefits.
We’ve built this complete guide of Wisconsin veteran benefits to help Wisconsin veterans like you find all the benefits you earned!
Take advantage of a VA Claim Discovery Call with an experienced Team Member. Learn what you’ve been missing so you can FINALLY get the disability rating and compensation you’ve earned for your service.
Wisconsin Veteran Benefits: Best of the Best
Some notable Wisconsin veteran benefits include:
- Property tax credits
- Education and training programs (including the Wisconsin GI Bill)
- Student grants and reimbursements
- Dedicated veteran employment services
- Occupational licensing
- Special driver’s license and vehicle plates
- Reduced fees for hunting and fishing licenses
- Free state park and trail passes
- Housing programs
- Veteran outreach programs
- Free rides to medical appointments
A veteran’s military branch, career status, disability status, and residence status can affect benefit eligibility.
The Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs (WDVA) administers many of the Wisconsin veteran benefits and programs in Wisconsin.
This is a great place to learn about those benefits or get help with claims and applications.
Open the WDVA Tool-Kit for fact sheets, forms, and other informative materials—and read on for our ultimate guide to the best Wisconsin veteran benefits and programs!
Wisconsin Disabled Veteran Benefits for Property Tax Credit
Wisconsin disabled veteran benefits include a refundable property tax credit.
This benefit applies to a primary, in-state residence (and up to one acre of land) for eligible veterans or their un-remarried, surviving spouse.
The Wisconsin Department of Revenue administers the credit through the state income tax return.

Any disabled veteran who was a Wisconsin resident for five consecutive years after entering active duty or was a Wisconsin resident when entering service is eligible.
The veteran must have a service-connected disability rating of 100% (or a 100% disability rating based on individual unemployability).
The Wisconsin Property Tax Credit is extended to include the un-remarried surviving spouse of an eligible veteran who receives Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) from the Federal VA after the veteran’s death.
The veteran must have been a Wisconsin resident (at the time of death) for an un-remarried spouse to qualify for this benefit.
Contact your local County Veterans Service Office (CVSO) for more information.
See the Wisconsin Disabled Veterans and Unremarried Surviving Spouses Property Tax Credit for additional information, application forms, and instructions.
Wisconsin Veteran Benefits: No Tax on Retirement Pay
Does Wisconsin tax military retirement income?
No. All retirement payments received from the U.S. military retirement system (including payments from the Retired Serviceman’s Family Protection Plan and the Survivor Benefit Plan) are exempt from Wisconsin income tax.

Retirement payments from the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) are also exempt from Wisconsin income tax.
Wisconsin veteran benefits from the Wisconsin Department of Revenue are summarized here.
Wisconsin Veteran Benefits for Education
Are there educational veteran benefits in Wisconsin?
Yes! The state provides several programs for veterans and service members (and their families) who seek tuition and education support.

Wisconsin GI Bill
The Wisconsin GI Bill provides full tuition for eligible veterans and their dependents for up to eight semesters (or 128 credits) at any eligible Wisconsin college.
The Wisconsin GI Bill is a state program entirely separate from the federal GI Bill.
For additional information, eligibility criteria, and instructions on how to apply for the Wisconsin GI Bill program, see the WI GI Bill information and application booklet (Español).
Wisconsin Veteran Benefits for Academic Credit
Wisconsin veteran benefits provide academic credit for completed military courses.
Veterans should contact their school’s veterans coordinator to discuss eligible credits.
Credit received may reduce attendance time and cost.
Get more information from the links found here.
Wisconsin GI Bill Tuition Remission Program for Dependents
The Wisconsin GI Bill Tuition Remission Program provides a 100% tuition waiver to the qualifying dependents of an eligible veteran.
For qualifying spouses, the benefit must be used within 10 years of the veteran’s death or within 10 years of an initial disability rating of 30% or greater.
The benefit is available to qualified children from ages 17-25. More information and eligibility requirements are available here.
Wisconsin Veteran Benefits for the Student Assistance Grant
The Wisconsin Veteran Student Assistance Grant is a state-run program available to qualified veterans (and, in some cases, spouses and children of eligible veterans) for use at private nonprofit educational institutions that belong to the Wisconsin Association of Independent Colleges and Universities (WAICU).
Dependent children of qualified veterans must be ages 17-26 to qualify.
For each grant, the private institution where the student is enrolled will match the grant amount to offset the tuition charged to the student. Grants can be for up to 128 credits or eight semesters.
Vet Ed Reimbursement Grant
The Veterans Education (VetEd) grant program provides a reimbursement grant to eligible veterans who have not yet been awarded a bachelor’s degree.
The award is made following successful course completion at a University of Wisconsin, technical college, or approved private institution of higher learning.
Veterans may receive federal VA Chapter 30 Montgomery GI Bill benefits and VetEd for the same semester. Individuals eligible for Wisconsin GI Bill benefits must use those benefits to be eligible for VetEd reimbursement.
Apply for VetEd through your County Veterans Service Officer online, or download an application and mail it in.
The maximum number of credits for which a veteran may receive reimbursement is based on the veteran’s time on active duty. (Active Duty For Training does not count toward general or VetEd eligibility).
Active-duty time/maximum number of credits or semesters:
- 181 to 730 days = 60 credits (or four semesters)
- 731 days or more = 120 credits (or eight semesters)
Contact Veteran Certifying Officials in the University of Wisconsin System
Contact Veteran Certifying Officials in the Wisconsin Technical College System
Veterans may use VetEd for full-time or part-time study until their 10th anniversary of leaving active duty.
To be eligible for VetEd, your income must be less than $50,000 (plus $1,000 for each dependent above two dependents).
The WDVA may request current income tax records to ensure that you don’t exceed the income cap. If your employment status has changed since you last filed your taxes, contact the WDVA.
Once final grades are turned in and the School Veterans Official has reviewed and submitted the application to WDVA, checks are typically issued within 5-10 business days. Provide a complete application to minimize processing delays.
If you don’t receive payment on an approved grant after ten business days, contact the WDVA accounting department to determine your check’s status; call (800) WIS-VETS (947-8387).
Troops to Teachers
Wisconsin’s Troops to Teachers (TTT) is a Wisconsin veteran benefits program that helps military personnel and veterans transition to becoming public and charter school teachers.
Federal legislation provides a stipend of up to $5,000 to offset the cost of teacher training programs to TTT enrollees.
Enrollees must be pursuing teaching certification requirements and agree to teach in high-need school districts.
Those willing to teach in schools with a high percentage of students from low-income families may receive a $10,000 bonus (the program cap).
A Troops to Teachers regional advisor or state representative can help you choose the licensing pathway and teacher training program best suited to your needs.
For more information, contact the Regional Troops to Teachers office.
Additional references below:
Wisconsin Veteran Benefits for High School Diplomas
Wisconsin veteran benefits provide a high school diploma for those who left high school to join the U.S. Armed Forces during wartime.
A diploma may be awarded if the veteran applies directly to the local school district and meets all the following requirements:
- At least 65 years old (or at least 55 years old with a service-connected disability)
- Attended high school in the school district or attended high school in Wisconsin and currently resides in the school district
- Left high school before receiving a high school diploma to join the U.S. Armed Forces during wartime and served active duty under honorable conditions in the U.S. Armed Forces (or forces incorporated as part of the U.S. Armed Forces, such as the National Guard or Merchant Marine)
The high school diploma may also be awarded to veterans who received a High School Equivalency Diploma (HSED) after serving on active duty under honorable conditions. The veteran must still meet the requirements stated above.
For more information, contact the Veterans Benefits Resource Center (VBRC) at (800) WIS-VETS (947-8387).
Wisconsin Veteran Benefits for Employment
The Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs (WDVA) is dedicated to assisting veterans in transitioning to civilian careers. The WDVA also provides resources for employers who are seeking skilled and talented veterans to join their workforce.
Wisconsin Disabled Veteran Benefits for State Employment
Did you know Wisconsin disabled veteran benefits can help you get a job with the state?
If you’re a veteran with a service-connected disability rating of 30% or more and not already employed with the Wisconsin state government, you may be considered for jobs in state agencies without having to compete or take a civil service assessment.
To apply for this employment process, you must:
- Have received an honorable discharge
- Be a veteran with a 30% or greater service-connected disability (documented within the last 12 months)
- Have a DD214
You can monitor open job postings on Wisc.Jobs.
While these positions are open for competition, you can apply using the instructions in the postings or call the listed contact to ask whether special application procedures may be available.
Many of the skills you learned during your service transfer well to state jobs. See the Military Crosswalk to match your skills for a list of job categories that match those positions.
Retraining Grants for Wisconsin Veterans
Recently unemployed or underemployed veterans may be eligible for $3,000 per year (maximum two years) to assist in being retrained for employment.
The amount of the grant is determined by financial need as calculated by the WDVA. Other education or retraining grants are considered when determining financial need and should be included in the application.
Visit the WDVA Veterans Retraining Grant site for more information.
Wisconsin Veteran Benefits at the Department of Workforce Development
The Department of Workforce Development (DWD) advances veteran employment opportunities through targeted business engagement, service, and commitment to the veteran community.
Visit WiscJobsforVets to learn more about programs and employment opportunities and discover how DWD services are helping veterans throughout Wisconsin.
DWD highlights businesses that are supporting veterans in the workplace through the Vets Ready Employer Initiative.
Employers who support veterans and their families in their workforce, prioritize hiring veterans, and connect to the veteran community can apply to be recognized as a Vets Ready Employer.
Connect with your local job center to discover opportunities near you.
Veterans Employment Representatives
Veterans Representatives (DVOPs or LVERs) provide the latest information on local labor markets.
They offer workshops and guidance on resume writing, job interviewing skills, and job-seeking skills.
They also identify training and education needs and can help you make career choices by assessing your aptitudes, interests, and abilities.
To locate a Veterans Employment Representative at your local Wisconsin Job Center, call (888) 258-9966, view the online staff directory or register online at WiscJobsforVets.
Wisconsin Veteran Benefits Include Apprenticeships
The DWD’s Bureau of Apprentice Standards reviews and approves registered apprenticeship and formal on-the-job training programs for Wisconsin veterans.
Visit the DWD web page and contact an Apprenticeship Standards field representative in your area to determine eligibility.
Miscellaneous Wisconsin Veteran Benefits for Employment
Wisconsin veteran benefits include several other employment assistance opportunities.
Hire a Hero: An online social network for Wisconsin veterans to connect with caring volunteers, local events, and military-friendly employers.
Vocational Rehabilitation: The Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) is available to obtain, maintain, and advance employment for people with disabilities by working with DVR consumers, employers, and other partners.
Wisconsin Women’s Business Initiative: Learn about an economic development corporation that provides quality business education, technical assistance, and access to capital for small businesses throughout Wisconsin.
More employment links: See job boards and search jobs and entrepreneurial resources.
Wisconsin Veteran Benefits for Professional Occupation Licensure
Wisconsin veteran benefits for professional occupation licensure are available to help you or your spouse return to work. Information can be found on the following web pages:
The Professional/Occupational Licensure Fee Waiver Program allows for one initial license fee waiver per qualified veteran. The waiver is for one initial license only (not renewals).
The Professional/Occupational Licensure Military Training Equivalency applies to your military training to satisfy various professional licenses.
The Veterans Law Enforcement Accelerated Development program allows you to take a reciprocity exam to waive Wisconsin’s preparatory law-enforcement officer training and be eligible for Wisconsin law enforcement certification.
Wisconsin Veteran Benefits for Business Ownership and Certification
Veteran-owned businesses play a vital role in Wisconsin’s economy. The WDVA designed a logo for certified veteran-owned businesses operating in Wisconsin to identify and promote such enterprises. See a searchable list of Wisconsin’s veteran-owned businesses.
To certify your business, fill out this application and return it to:
Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs
Division of Veterans Benefits
P.O. Box 7843
Madison, Wis. 53707-7843
(800) WIS-VETS (947-8387)
Contact the WDVA Veterans Benefits Resource Center at (800) WIS-VETS or email [email protected] to learn more.
In addition:
- The Wisconsin Procurement Institute (WPI) helps veteran-owned businesses obtain state and federal certifications and assists them in submitting state and federal bids.
- The Wisconsin Veterans Chamber of Commerce connects veteran entrepreneurs with the resources they need to be successful.
Wisconsin Veteran Benefits for Driver and Vehicle Licenses
The Wisconsin Department of Transportation provides:
- Special driver licensing
- Motor vehicle registration
- License plates
- Skills test waivers for commercial driver’s licenses
Visit the Wisconsin Department of Transportation Veterans web page to learn more about these Wisconsin veteran benefits and programs.

Veteran Designation on Driver’s License or ID Card
Wisconsin veterans may be eligible for a Veteran Identifier on a Wisconsin driver’s license or ID Card. For full eligibility requirements, visit the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs Driver and Vehicle Licensing page.
Military License Plates
Wisconsin offers nine distinctive license plate designs to honor the service and sacrifice of those who served. Certain eligibility and documentation requirements will apply.
Learn more about Wisconsin Military and Veteran License Plates here.
Additionally, over 50 service and medal designations are available for your Wisconsin license plate. See here for previews and eligibility.
Disabled Veteran License Plates
Disabled veteran parking license plates are available to any Wisconsin veteran with a permanent service-connected disability that impairs (or limits) the ability to walk.
Wisconsin Veteran Benefits at the Department of Natural Resources
Wisconsin veteran benefits extend to the great outdoors across the Badger State, with reduced admission, hunting licenses, and other recreational fees to take advantage of Wisconsin’s bounteous lakes, forests, and streams.
Wisconsin Veteran Benefits for Hunting and Fishing Licenses
Wisconsin veteran benefits include a one-time, free small game, archery, gun, deer, or annual fishing license.
Contact the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs (WDVA) to determine eligibility. You’ll receive a voucher code to redeem at the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources within 365 days of discharge.
Voucher codes may be redeemed in one of two ways:
- In-person (at any DNR Service Center) or
- Call the DNR Call Center at (888) 936-7463 to receive your free license by mail or arrange for pickup at any DNR Service Center.
Direct eligibility questions to the WDVA Veterans Benefits Resource Center via web chat, email, or phone (800) WIS-VETS (947-8387).
Visit the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) veterans website.
Apply online or via form WDVA 2240.
Wisconsin Veteran Benefits at DNR for Purple Heart Recipients
In Wisconsin, the Department of Natural Resources offers Purple Heart medal recipients the following benefits:
- A reduced license fee for the Conservation Patron license (resident, $10; nonresident, $161)
- Hunting, fishing, and trapping approvals at resident rates for nonresident Purple Heart medal recipients
- A one-time transfer of a Class A bear license (visit awarded permit transfers for details)
- A spring turkey harvest authorization (without needing to be awarded a harvest authorization through the turkey drawing).
- The allowance to submit an elk-hunting application (resident or nonresident)
The Purple Heart recipient must provide documentation at a DNR Service Center.
Once verified at a DNR Service Center, you may purchase your reduced-rate licenses online or from any of the more than 1,000 licensing agents.
POW and Wisconsin Disabled Veteran Benefits for Park Admission, Hunting, and Fishing Licenses
Wisconsin disabled veteran benefits include waivers of vehicle admission and trail pass fees (as do benefits for former POWs).

To apply:
- Download and complete the Disabled Veteran Free State Park/Forest/Trail Pass Application PDF
- Send the application to your County Veteran Service Officer (CVSO) for certification. The CVSO must sign and stamp the application.
Mail the certified application to:
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Bureau of Parks and Recreation
101 S. Webster St.
P.O. Box 7921
Madison Wis. 53707
The Bureau of Parks and Recreation will mail you an identification card to present when you visit a state park, forest, or recreation area.
The park, forest, or recreation area will then issue a courtesy pass for the day. When using state trails requiring a trail pass, carry the identification card with you.
For more on eligibility and other details, visit this DNR web page.
Wisconsin Veteran Benefits to Prevent Homelessness
The WDVA helps homeless veterans and their families access the housing, training, education, counseling, and rehabilitative services they need to obtain permanent housing and employment.
For more information about veterans homeless programs, contact Colleen Rinken, Director, Bureau of Health Services, (608) 264-7619.
Veteran Housing and Recovery Program
The Veteran Housing and Recovery Program (VHRP) provides temporary housing, training, and supportive services to military veterans who are homeless or at risk.
The VHRP serves all veterans, with the VA providing the final determination of eligibility. While spouses and children are not eligible for this program, VHRP staff will assist a veteran’s family obtain adequate housing.
Veterans may stay at a VHRP home for up to 24 months. However, many complete the program in six to ten months. The primary goal is to secure safe and stable housing so additional support services can be received.
The VHRP has highly trained staff dedicated to serving veterans and providing ongoing support.
Amenities include meal plans, activity room, laundry, recreational activities, access to computers, and assistance with transportation. Residents are encouraged to earn and save money while in the program to obtain permanent housing after graduation.
The VHRP program has Chippewa Falls, Green Bay, and Union Grove offices. Lutheran Social Services is the contracted program provider. The VHRP also collaborates with the WDVA Veterans Outreach and Recovery Program (VORP).
Homelessness Home, VORP, additional resources
VHRP Chippewa Falls
2820 East Park Ave., Building 128
Chippewa Falls, Wis. 54729
(715) 726-2541
VHRP Green Bay
2500 Bel Meadow Drive
Green Bay, Wis. 54311-6775
(920) 391-4370
VHRP Union Grove
21425 Spring St., Building D
Fairchild Hall
Union Grove, Wis. 53182
(262) 878-9151
Wisconsin Veteran Benefits in Transitional Living Programs
Some Wisconsin veteran benefits exist to help veterans (and their families) with housing and other difficulties as they transition to civilian life. Additional information can be found below:
- Veteran Assistance Foundation (VAF), (608) 372-8387
- Center for Veteran Issues, (414) 345-3917
- Rock Valley Community Program Janesville (RCVP) (608) 741-4500
- New Community Shelter Program, 920-437-3766
- Guest House of Milwaukee, 414-345-3240
- Porchlight Community Program, 608-257-2534
- Wisconsin Veterans Transitional Housing (Grant & Per-Diem Programs)
Wisconsin Veterans Outreach and Recovery Program
The Veterans Outreach and Recovery Program (VORP) connects veterans to community services and provides case management and support focusing on treatment and recovery.
The VORP staff works with community providers and professionals to provide assistance and connection to:
- Mental health services
- Substance use and treatment
- Financial assistance
- Housing and utilities
- Claims and benefits assistance
- Employment and education
The program is available to all Wisconsin veterans in need. You may refer yourself to the program through www.MyWisVets.com.
For more information on self-referral, see this CVSO/TVSO bulletin.
Veterans Outreach and Recovery Program (VORP)
Programa de Extensión y Recuperación de Veteranos (VORP)
VORP funding may be available to assist with treatment; contact the field representative in your region:
State-wide list of VORP locations and phone numbers
For more information about the Veterans Outreach and Recovery Program, contact the VORP Supervisor for Northern Regions at 608-957-5135 or the VORP Supervisor for Southern Regions at 608-733-1791.
Financial assistance and services
Wisconsin Veteran Benefits for Health Care
Wisconsin veteran healthcare benefits are available in the state’s high-quality VA medical centers and veterans homes.
Wisconsin veterans also receive help accessing information and services from several state agencies.
VA medical facilities in Wisconsin
Wisconsin Veteran Benefits Are Searchable with 2-1-1 Wisconsin
The mission of 2-1-1 Wisconsin is to connect everyone in Wisconsin with quick and easy access to community-based health and human services information and resources.
Counseling and financial assistance for veterans still serving in the military (active or reserve), those within 180 days of discharge, and those being treated through a wounded warrior program are available through Military One Source.
Wisconsin Veterans Homes
Three veterans homes in Wisconsin–Chippewa Falls, King, and Union Grove–serve nearly 1,000 veterans and their spouses.
These homes are among the best in the country, boasting an excellent safety record and the highest quality-of-care ratings. Occupancy levels, waiting lists, and staff retention rates exceed comparable facilities in other states.
Visit one of the Wisconsin veterans homes to learn more.
Wisconsin Veterans Homes Brochure
Hogares de Veteranos de Wisconsin
Wisconsin Veteran Benefits for Transportation to VA Medical Appointments
Wisconsin veteran benefits provide two options for transport to VA medical appointments.
Wisconsin’s Department of Disabled American Veterans (DAV) operates several vans around the state with stops at predetermined locations for transport to the various medical centers.
For a list of the currently scheduled stops, please see the Wisconsin DAV website.
Schedule a stop by contacting the DAV transportation coordinator listed with the schedule. The rides are free and available to all veterans based on financial need—you don’t have to be disabled or belong to the DAV to get a ride on this network. The WDVA provides an annual grant to the DAV to run this program.
Where the DAV does not serve veterans, most counties assist—some free of charge, others for a small fee or donation. Veterans experiencing financial hardship can request to have this fee waived in most cases.
County transportation systems are run by the County Veterans Service Office (CVSO) or another county agency. Contact your local CVSO for information.
The WDVA provides a grant to assist counties in transporting veterans to VA medical appointments. To be eligible for this grant, complete form WDVA 2110 and return it to the WDVA by November 1 each year.
When you receive notification of a VA appointment, contact the appropriate agency; same-day or next-day travel requests may be too late.
Wisconsin Veteran Benefits Resource Center
The Wisconsin Veteran Benefits Resource Center (VBRC) provides information on WDVA programs, benefits, and services.
Trained staff are available to answer your questions. Your requests are tracked and managed, from initial request through resolution.
If you call multiple times, your past contact details are already logged and available for reference.
Contact VBRC Monday-Friday, 7:45 a.m.-4:15 p.m. Central.
- Phone: local (608) 266-1311; toll-free (800) 947-8387
- Fax: (608) 267-0403
- Email: [email protected]
- Internet chat feature: “Chat now” appears on the page when operators are available for live chatting. “Leave a message” appears when all operators are busy. Your message will be put into a queue and answered when the next operator is available.
- Visit the VBRC office at 2135 Rimrock Road, Madison, WI 53713; walk-ins are welcome.
Wisconsin Veteran Benefits Resource Center
WDVA federal claims assistance
Wisconsin Veteran Benefits: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Do Wisconsin disabled veteran benefits include property tax credits?
Yes! Wisconsin disabled veteran benefits include a refundable property tax credit for eligible veterans and un-remarried surviving spouses.
The credit is for the primary in-state residence and up to one acre of land. The Wisconsin Department of Revenue administers the credit through the state income tax return.
What is the Wisconsin GI Bill?
The Wisconsin GI Bill provides full tuition for eligible veterans and their dependents for up to eight semesters (or 128 credits) at any University of Wisconsin or Wisconsin Technical College.
The Wisconsin GI Bill is a state program entirely separate from the federal GI Bill. For more information, see the WI GI Bill information and application booklet (Español).
Do Wisconsin veteran benefits award academic credit for military training?
Yes! Wisconsin veterans may be eligible to receive academic credit for courses completed in the military.
Before enrollment, consult your college or university’s veterans coordinator. Credit received may reduce attendance time and cost.
Do Wisconsin veteran benefits include tuition assistance for the whole family?
They sure do!
The Wisconsin Veteran Student Assistance Grant is a state-run program available to qualified veterans (and certain spouses and children) at private nonprofit educational institutions belonging to the Wisconsin Association of Independent Colleges and Universities (WAICU).
Dependent children of qualified veterans must be between ages 17-25 to qualify.
Do Wisconsin veteran benefits include help with employment?
Yes! The Department of Workforce Development (DWD) is committed to advancing employment opportunities for Wisconsin veterans.
Visit WiscJobsforVets to learn about programs, employment opportunities, and DWD services.
What Wisconsin veteran benefits are there for occupational licensing?
There are several!
The Professional/Occupational Licensure Fee Waiver Program allows for one initial license fee waiver per qualified veteran.
The Professional/Occupational Licensure Military Training Equivalency applies your military training toward satisfying the training for various professional licenses.
The Veterans Law Enforcement Accelerated Development program offers a reciprocity exam to waive Wisconsin’s preparatory law-enforcement officer training to be eligible for Wisconsin law enforcement certification.
Do Wisconsin veteran benefits provide grants for professional training?
Yes! Wisconsin veteran benefits for recently unemployed or underemployed veterans may total $3,000 per year (maximum of two years) to assist with retraining for employment. The amount of the grant is determined by financial need as calculated by the WDVA.
Are there Wisconsin veteran benefits for hunting and fishing?
Yes! Wisconsin veteran benefits include a one-time, free small game, archery, gun, deer, or annual fishing license. Contact the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs (WDVA) to determine eligibility.
You’ll receive a voucher code to redeem at the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources within 365 days of discharge.
Do Wisconsin disabled veteran benefits include special privileges at state parks?
Yes! Wisconsin disabled veteran benefits (and those for POWs) include vehicle admission and trail pass fee waivers.
Do Wisconsin veteran benefits help with homelessness?
The Veteran Housing and Recovery Program (VHRP) provides temporary housing, training, and support services for homeless or at-risk individuals. The VHRP serves all veterans regardless of length of service.
Regardless of what state you live in, it’s important that veterans pursue the monthly compensation payments due to them for disabilities connected to their military service.
Most veterans are underrated for their disabilities and therefore not getting the compensation they deserve. At VA Claims Insider, we help veterans understand and take control of the claims process, so they can get the rating and compensation they’re owed by law.
Our process takes the guesswork out of filing a VA disability claim and supports you every step of the way in building a fully developed claim (FDC) – so you can increase your rating in less time! If you’ve filed your VA disability claim and have been denied or have received a low rating – or you’re unsure how to get started – reach out to us!
You served … you deserve.
Take advantage of a FREE VA Claim Discovery Call. Learn what you’ve been missing—so you can FINALLY get the disability rating and compensation you deserve! We’ve supported more than 25,000 veterans to win their claims and increase their ratings. NOW IT’S YOUR TURN.
About the Author

About VA Claims Insider
VA Claims Insider is an education-based coaching/consulting company. We’re here for disabled veterans exploring eligibility for increased VA disability benefits and who wish to learn more about that process. We also connect veterans with independent medical professionals in our referral network for medical examinations, disability evaluations, and credible independent medical opinions and nexus statements (medical nexus letters) for a wide range of disability conditions.