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Hey combat veterans! In this post, we talk about DD Form 2860. This form is used to apply for Combat-Related Special Compensation (CRSC), which is one way to get around the “dual compensation”... continue reading

Can I Service Connect Erectile Dysfunction Secondary to Tinnitus?
Yes, there is some medical research to support the connection of Erectile Dysfunction secondary to Tinnitus and ED can be service connected to Tinnitus via principles of "aggravation." However,... continue reading

The Temporary 100% VA Disability Guide
Are you a recently separated veteran with an unstable, significantly disabling service-connected condition? Or do you need surgery, wear a cast, or spend time in the hospital because of a... continue reading

What is VA Permanent and Total Disability?
What is VA Permanent and Total Disability? VA permanent and total disability is a special status given to a service-connected disability that is rated at 100% and is unlikely ever to get better.... continue reading

VA Form 21-674: A Step-by-Step Guide for Veterans
Have you wondered what happens to your child’s benefits when they turn 18? VA Form 21-674 helps allow for the continuation of benefits for a child at least 18 years old but under 23 and attending... continue reading

We Closed the Notice for Request 6? Here’s What It Means for Your VA Claim!
So, you logged into your VA.gov account to check the status of your VA claim and you see a statement that says, “we closed the notice for request 6.” What the heck does that... continue reading

Forever GI Bill vs Post 9/11: Key Differences Explained!
Today, we’ll explain the key differences between the Forever GI Bill vs Post 9/11 GI Bill. The biggest difference is that the Forever GI Bill does not expire (ever); however, the Post 9/11 GI... continue reading

Can You Get VA Disability for Alcoholism?
No, you can’t get VA disability for alcoholism on its own. However, even though there is no separate VA rating for alcoholism, you might be able to prove secondary service connection for... continue reading

10 Most Common Sleep Apnea Secondary Conditions (The Ultimate Guide)
This post is your ultimate guide to the 10 most likely Sleep Apnea Secondary Conditions for VA disability benefits. In our experience, most veterans are better off trying to service-connect Sleep... continue reading

How Do I Get VA Disability for Sleep Apnea?
VA Disability for Sleep Apnea is one of the most difficult VA claims to get service connected, especially if you were diagnosed with sleep apnea after military service. But there is hope, even if... continue reading

Top 5 Body Systems Awarded the Most 100% VA Disability Ratings
Let’s make sure one thing is clear: There are no guaranteed VA disability claims. The VA evaluates every claim it receives based on the evidence. And the rating percentage awarded depends on the... continue reading

10 Most Common VA Secondary Conditions to GERD
Today, you’ll learn about the 10 most common VA secondary conditions to GERD. We also took the time to explain each one in-detail along with the appropriate VA rating criteria, medical research... continue reading