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Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a chronic gastrointestinal disorder that disrupts the large intestine, causing symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating, and changes in bowel habits, including diarrhea, constipation, or a combination of both.
For veterans, IBS often results in significant discomfort, lifestyle challenges, and even work-related limitations, especially for those exposed to high stress, gastrointestinal infections, or dietary challenges during military service.
IBS is very common among U.S. military veterans and ranks #24 on our list of the Top 50 Most Common VA Disability Claims.
Effective May 19, 2024, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) VA ratings range from 10% to 30% with a break at 20%.
Your VA rating for IBS depends on the frequency, severity, and duration of symptoms and how those symptoms negatively impact your work, life, and social functioning.
In this blog post from VA disability expert Brian Reese, we’ll break down everything you need to know about VA ratings for IBS, including the new rating criteria, examples of symptoms tied to specific percentages, and pro tips and strategies to strengthen your VA claim for IBS.
Let’s begin!
Table of Contents
4-Minute Video: *NEW* VA Disability Ratings for IBS – View the VA Rating Changes!
Summary of Key Points
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Overview: IBS is a chronic gastrointestinal condition commonly affecting veterans, leading to symptoms like abdominal pain, bloating, and changes in bowel habits. IBS is very common among veterans and ranks #24 on our list of the Top 50 VA Disability Claims.
- VA Ratings for IBS Under Diagnostic Code 7319: The VA rates IBS at 10%, 20%, or 30% based on symptom severity, frequency, and their impact on a veteran’s work, life, and social functioning.
- Possible Presumptive Service Connection for Gulf War Veterans and Former POWs: Gulf War veterans with IBS might qualify for presumptive service connection under conditions such as Gulf War Syndrome or Multi-Symptom Illnesses. Former POWs held captive for at least 30 days are also eligible for presumptive service connection for IBS due to the hardships endured during captivity.
- Filing a Strong VA Disability Claim for IBS: To maximize compensation, veterans should document symptom severity, gather medical records, secure a credible nexus letter linking IBS to service, and provide detailed examples of how IBS disrupts daily life during the C&P exam. Familiarizing themselves with the IBS DBQ can further strengthen their claim.
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Hi veterans, I’m Brian Reese, the VA Claims Insider, and I’m here to help you INCREASE your VA rating FASTER — even if you’ve already filed, been denied, gave up, or don’t know where to start…
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Through this gap analysis process, we’ll build a personalized VA claim strategy tailored to your needs — designed to give you the best possible chance of securing the VA rating and compensation you’ve earned for serving our country.
>> Click HERE to book a date/time for your no-obligation consultation with a VA claim expert or call us right now at (281) 533–6777.
What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)?
IBS is a chronic disorder affecting the large intestine, characterized by a variety of recurring symptoms.
While the exact cause is not fully understood, IBS is believed to result from a combination of factors, including:
- Abnormal intestinal contractions that lead to cramping, diarrhea, or constipation.
- Hypersensitivity in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract that amplifies pain and discomfort.
- Disruptions in the gut-brain axis, often caused by stress or trauma.
- Changes in gut bacteria due to infections, diet, or medication.
For veterans, IBS often stems from military service-related stress, exposure to foreign bacteria during deployment, and gastrointestinal infections.
IBS symptoms can vary in intensity, often disrupting daily routines and diminishing quality of life.
Symptoms and Impact of IBS in Veterans
The symptoms of IBS in veterans include:
- Abdominal pain or cramping: Often related to bowel movements and exacerbated by stress or specific foods.
- Changes in bowel habits: Alternating diarrhea and constipation are common hallmarks.
- Bloating and gas: A feeling of fullness or distension in the abdomen.
- Urgency and incomplete evacuation: Frequent, urgent bowel movements or the sensation of not fully emptying the bowels.
- Fatigue and sleep disturbances: Persistent discomfort can disrupt sleep and daily functioning.
These symptoms can limit a veteran’s ability to maintain employment, engage in physical activity, or participate in social events, making IBS a life-altering condition for many.
Causes of IBS in Veterans
Veterans face unique risk factors that increase the likelihood of developing IBS, including:
- Military-related stress and trauma: High-stress environments, including combat, can disrupt the gut-brain axis, leading to IBS.
- Gastrointestinal infections: Deployments to areas with unsanitary conditions often expose service members to bacteria and parasites that disrupt gut health.
- Medications: Prolonged use of antibiotics, painkillers, or NSAIDs during service can harm gut bacteria, contributing to IBS.
- Dietary changes: Limited food options during deployments may lead to dietary imbalances that exacerbate IBS symptoms.
- Exposure to toxins: Chemical exposures during service may impact gut motility and increase sensitivity in the GI tract.
VA Diagnostic Code (DC) for IBS
The VA rates IBS under 38 CFR § 4.114, using Diagnostic Code (DC) 7319 from 10% to 30% with a break at 20%, depending on abdominal pain, the frequency, severity, and duration of symptoms, and negative impacts to your work, life, and social functioning.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome VA Disability Ratings From 10% to 30%
The new IBS VA rating criteria under DC 7319 are as follows:
30% VA Rating for IBS
Symptoms: Severe, including abdominal pain related to defecation at least once per week during the past three months, and two or more of the following:
- Changes in stool frequency.
- Changes in stool form.
- Altered stool passage (e.g., straining or urgency).
- Mucorrhea (mucus in stool).
- Abdominal bloating or subjective distension.
Example: A veteran experiences daily abdominal pain and frequent bouts of diarrhea, requiring constant proximity to a bathroom. Despite adhering to a strict diet and using medication, symptoms persist, causing significant workplace interruptions and social limitations.
20% VA Rating for IBS
Symptoms: Moderate, including abdominal pain related to defecation for at least three days per month during the past three months, and two or more of the following:
- Changes in stool frequency.
- Changes in stool form.
- Altered stool passage.
- Mucorrhea.
- Abdominal bloating or subjective distension.
Example: A veteran has occasional flare-ups of abdominal pain and alternating diarrhea and constipation three to five times a month. Symptoms are manageable with dietary adjustments and medication but occasionally disrupt daily activities.
10% VA Rating for IBS
Symptoms: Mild, including abdominal pain related to defecation at least once in the past three months, and two or more of the following:
- Changes in stool frequency.
- Changes in stool form.
- Altered stool passage.
- Mucorrhea.
- Abdominal bloating or subjective distension.
Example: A veteran experiences mild abdominal discomfort and constipation once a month. Symptoms are manageable with over-the-counter remedies and do not significantly interfere with daily activities.
IBS as a Secondary VA Claim
IBS is frequently filed as a secondary condition to service-connected disabilities such as:
- IBS Secondary to Anxiety
- IBS Secondary to Depression
- IBS Secondary to PTSD
- IBS Secondary to Stress and Other Mental Health Issues
- IBS Secondary to Food Intolerances or Sensitivities
- IBS Secondary to Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
- IBS Secondary to Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
- IBS Secondary to Gastrointestinal Infections
- IBS Secondary to Hormonal Imbalances (e.g., menstrual cycle-related)
- IBS Secondary to Medication Side Effects (e.g., antibiotics, certain painkillers)
IBS and Secondary Service Connection
To establish secondary service connection for IBS under 38 CFR § 3.310, veterans must provide:
- Current Diagnosis: Documented diagnosis of IBS in a medical record.
- Service-Connected Primary Condition: Evidence of an already service-connected primary disability rated at 0% or higher.
- Medical Nexus Evidence: An independent medical opinion stating that IBS is “at least as likely as not” caused or aggravated by the primary service connected condition.
IBS and Presumptive Service Connection
Unfortunately, IBS is not listed on the VA’s presumptive list, including the PACT Act; however, that could change over time as more research comes to light.
There are a couple of circumstances to be aware of though for Gulf War veterans who served in Southwest Asia as well as former POWs.
Gulf War Veterans
For veterans who served in the Southwest Asia theater of operations during the Gulf War, IBS can be considered a presumptive condition under (#1) Gulf War Syndrome or (#2) Multi-Symptom Illnesses if certain criteria are met.
The VA acknowledges that these veterans have a higher incidence of medically unexplained chronic multisymptom illnesses (MUCMIs), including IBS.
Therefore, if a Gulf War veteran develops IBS, the VA presumes it is related to their service, simplifying the process for obtaining disability benefits.
Pro Tip: If a clinical diagnosis can be made, then the symptoms do not constitute Gulf War Syndrome. To be included under the heading of Gulf War Syndrome, each symptom must be present or reoccurring for at least 6 months (“chronic”) and cannot be tied to service outside Southwest Asia or be caused by the vet’s misconduct.
Former Prisoners of War (POWs)
Former POWs who were imprisoned for at least 30 days are also eligible for presumptive service connection for IBS.
The VA recognizes that the conditions experienced during captivity can lead to the development of IBS, and thus presumes a service connection for these veterans.
Tips and Strategies to File a Successful VA Claim for IBS
To maximize your VA disability rating for IBS, follow these steps:
- Document Your Severity of Symptoms: Keep a detailed log of symptom frequency, severity, and triggers. Include how IBS impacts work, life, and social functioning.
- Gather All Medical Records: Ensure all relevant VA and private medical records, including a confirmed IBS diagnosis, are included in your claim.
- Secure a Credible Nexus Letter: A private healthcare provider should clearly explain how your IBS is related to your military service or a service-connected condition.
- Describe Your Worst Days at the C&P Exam for IBS: Be honest about the severity of your symptoms on your worst days. For example, describe how frequent bowel movements or abdominal pain disrupt sleep or work.
- Review the IBS DBQ: Familiarize yourself with the Disability Benefits Questionnaire (DBQ) for IBS and be prepared to discuss the history and progression of your condition.
Can I Get a VA Disability Rating for IBS and GERD?
Yes, veterans can now get separate VA ratings for IBS and GERD under the new DC 7319 and DC 7206, respectively.
For example, you could get a VA rating for IBS with abdominal pain at 20% under DC 7319 and a VA rating for GERD at 50% under DC 7206 for esophageal stricture with acid reflux.
What changed?
Prior to May 19, 2024, veterans were not eligible to receive separate ratings for IBS and GERD because of the prohibition against pyramiding in the DC 7300 series for digestive system conditions.
IBS was previously rated analogously to Irritable Colon Syndrome under the old DC 7319, while GERD was rated analogously to Hiatal Hernia under DC 7346—both falling under the 7300 series Diagnostic Codes.
Conclusion & Wrap-Up
IBS is a chronic condition that significantly impacts veterans’ quality of life.
With the updated VA rating criteria under DC 7319, veterans have a better opportunity to secure fair compensation for the symptoms and limitations caused by IBS.
By documenting symptoms, obtaining strong medical evidence, and preparing thoroughly for your C&P exam, you can maximize your VA disability rating for IBS and ensure you receive the benefits you’ve earned.
If you need expert guidance on filing a VA claim for IBS or increasing your VA rating, we’ve got your six—call us today for help!📱737-295-2226
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About the Author

Brian Reese
Brian Reese is a world-renowned VA disability benefits expert and the #1 bestselling author of VA Claim Secrets and You Deserve It. Motivated by his own frustration with the VA claim process, Brian founded VA Claims Insider to help disabled veterans secure their VA disability compensation faster, regardless of their past struggles with the VA. Since 2013, he has positively impacted the lives of over 10 million military, veterans, and their families.
A former active-duty Air Force officer, Brian has extensive experience leading diverse teams in challenging international environments, including a combat tour in Afghanistan in 2011 supporting Operation ENDURING FREEDOM.
Brian is a Distinguished Graduate of Management from the United States Air Force Academy and earned his MBA from Oklahoma State University’s Spears School of Business, where he was a National Honor Scholar, ranking in the top 1% of his class.