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Have you wondered what happens to your child’s benefits when they turn 18? VA Form 21-674 helps allow for the continuation of benefits for a child at least 18 years old but under 23 and attending school.
VA Form 21-674 is automatically dispatched from the VA’s central computer approximately three months before a child’s 18th birthday. The form is straightforward, but it’s essential to understand what it’s asking, avoiding errors and loss of benefits.
We’re dissecting VA Form 21-674 for you to ensure eligible children continue to receive their benefits.
- What is VA Form 21-674 Used For?
- Section I: Veteran/Claimant’s Identification Information
- Section II: Student’s Identification Information
- Section III: School Attendance Information
- Section IV: Student Information
- Section V: Remarks
- Section VI: Certification and Signature
- How to Submit VA Form 21-674

What is VA Form 21-674 Used For?
If your child is between 18 and 23 years old and enrolled in school, they may be eligible for continued benefits. VA Form 21-674 provides the VA with detailed information about the student, including whether they receive a school scholarship.
You will use VA Form 21-674b, School Attendance Report, to report any changes in the child’s status to the VA.
The VA will discontinue a student’s benefits for one of the following reasons:
- Marriage
- Receives DEA benefits
- Leaves school
- Child passes away
If they were to get divorced before they turn 23 and are still attending school, they might be eligible to continue benefits under the veteran.
Pro Tip: Complete VA Form 21-674 with the student nearby, making filling in their personal information easier.
Section I: Veteran/Claimant’s Identification Information
Section I of VA Form 21-674 needs the veteran’s or claimant’s information, not the student seeking benefits. Here’s the basic information you’ll need to provide:
- Veteran/Claimant’s Name
- VA File Number
- Veteran/Claimant’s Email Address
Section II: Student’s Identification Information
Next, in Section II, you’ll fill out the information for the student applying for benefits.
- Student’s Name
- Social Security Number
- Date of Birth
- Marital Status of Student (Including date of marriage, if applicable)
- Address
Important to Know: If you have more than one student, they each require a separate VA Form 21-674.

Section III: School Attendance Information
Section III is likely the most detailed section to complete, so ensure you have the student nearby to answer the various questions. You can use Section IV (Remarks) if you require additional space.
Let’s break down this section further:
The first box in Section III of VA Form 21 674 asks if the student receives educational assistance under 38 U.S.C Chapter 35, The Fry Scholarship, or the Federal Employees’ Compensation Act (FCA).
9A also asks if the student is enrolled in a program or school wholly supported at the expense of the Federal Government, which means the government pays for the student’s:
- Tuition
- Housing
- Meals
- Suitable Clothing
- Medical Attention
- Books
- Supplies
- Other Necessities
Per 38 CFR 3.667(f)(2), VA may not pay compensation, pension, or VA Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) to or for a child who is:
- At least 18 years old, AND
- Wholly Supported at the expense of the Federal Government while attending school
You Should Know: You don’t report receipt of the Post-9/11 GI Bill under 38 U.S.C Chapter 3319 in section 9A.
If you select yes on item 9A, you’ll need to specify which education assistance program the student receives in 9B.
Here’s a closer look at the three programs listed in 9A:
- 38 U.S.C Chapter 35– Survivors’ and Dependents’ Education Assistance Program for dependents of veterans who are permanently or totally disabled or deceased because of a service-related condition or who died while on active duty.
- The Fry Scholarship– A scholarship for the spouse or children of a service member who died in active duty on or after September 11, 2001, or was a member of the Selected Reserve who died from a service-connected disability.
- Federal Employees’ Compensation Act– Provides coverage to eligible survivors of federal employees who died due to a work-related injury or disease.
In the next section, you’ll add information about whether the student has attended school continuously. You don’t factor in school breaks, as they aren’t considered gaps in continuous enrollment.
You must add the date if your student stopped continuously attending school.
Next, you will select whether the school is accredited and meets specific education standards. Most colleges and universities will list on their website if they are accredited.
However, you can also search for schools using the Database of Accredited Postsecondary Institutions and Programs.
Next, you’ll fill in the official beginning date of the regular term or course for the student and when they expect to begin. These dates should be the same unless your student isn’t starting on time.
In addition, you will need to add the expected date of graduation. Since this can be hard to predict, it’s best to research past graduation dates for the right school and write your best estimate of when the student will graduate.
The final part of Section III requests information about the student’s last school term. First, it asks whether the student attended an accredited school at the end of the previous term. You don’t have to complete 12B and 12C if the answer is no.
However, if the answer is yes, you must include the beginning and end dates of the last school term.

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Section IV: Student Information
You only fill out Section IV if the benefit being claimed or received is Disability or Survivor’s pension. If applicable, you must complete each income block. You don’t report any VA benefits in these fields.
If a field isn’t pertinent, write “0.00” in the boxes provided. It’s important not to leave blank spaces, as the VA will interpret them as “0” or “none.” You must report the gross amounts before you take out deductions for insurance, taxes, etc.
Section V: Remarks
You can use the remarks box in Section V if there is pertinent information you feel is relevant to your claim. Any additional remarks should be attached to VA Form 21 674.
Section VI: Certification and Signature
The final section of VA Form 21-674 should be signed and dated by the student only if they have reached the age of majority and are claiming benefits on their own behalf. In most states, the age of majority is 18 years old, but State Law determines it.
Otherwise, the veteran, surviving spouse, guardian, or custodian will sign, date, and enter their relationship with the student. The signee must also include a valid phone number in box 16D.

How to Submit VA Form 21-674
Once you have your completed form, you can submit it to the VA. Remember, incomplete forms could lengthen your processing time, so ensure you thoroughly review them before submission.
- You can quickly fill out and submit VA Form 21-674 online.
- Mail VA Form 21-674 to:
Department of Veterans Affairs
Claims Intake Center
P.O. Box 4444
Janesville, WI 53547-4444
- Fax to (844) 531-7818
- In person at a VA Regional Office

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