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December 23, 2019

How do I Win a VA Claim Secondary to Tinnitus?

Last updated on December 21, 2022

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Congratulations! Your Tinnitus is recognized by the VA as service-connected. But what can you claim next? Possibly a VA claim secondary to tinnitus.

Tinnitus is the MOST COMMON DISABILITY claimed by veterans – more than PTSD and TBI. In 2018, nearly 2 million veterans had service-connected Tinnitus, according to the VA. Veterans are at a higher risk of developing this disability because the line of duty exposes them to loud noises and traumatic events. But did you know that you could claim secondary conditions to Tinnitus?

va claim secondary to tinnitus

What is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is mostly defined as ringing in the ears. But the American Tinnitus Association identifies several other sounds which can be heard by a patient like whooshing, hissing, buzzing, static/white noise, crickets, screeching, roaring, pulsing, ocean waves, dial tones, and sometimes music. Exposure to gun fires and explosions are the main causes of Tinnitus for veterans. Apart from this, there are studies correlating the onset of Tinnitus with psychological trauma.

Secondary Service Connections to Tinntius

Now that you got service-connected, you know there is no chance to get a higher rating for Tinnitus other than 10%. That is the highest and only rating you’re going to get for this disability. The next best thing to do is to file for another claim for a different primary condition OR file for a condition which you think is or can be linked to your service-connected Tinnitus.

Did you know that there are a few disabilities you can secondarily associate with Tinnitus? 

Secondary Mental Health Claims

According to a study from the International Journal of Otolaryngology entitled: “The Correlation of the Tinnitus Handicap Inventory with Depression and Anxiety in Veterans with Tinnitus” (Volume 2015, Article ID 689375), 70% of Tinnitus patients may present psychiatric comorbidities. In the earlier section, it is emphasized that mental problems lead to Tinnitus; but there are also instances when the causal relation may be reversed. 

Anxiety, depression, and even PTSD can also be consequences of Tinnitus. The negative emotional impact of having to bear with this disability frequently, if not daily, can develop into a psychological struggle. 

Even for a civilian, it is easy to understand how Tinnitus patients can experience mental troubles. Imagine having to live with constant or intermittent sound rattling in your ear every day. Won’t you be depressed, frightened, or agitated?

To prove a secondary mental health connection, you need to:

  1. Get a diagnosis for your anxiety, depression, or PTSD, stating that your Tinnitus is comorbid with these mental health disabilities.
  2. Furnish a DBQ/Nexus with your doctor’s analysis on how your psychological problems are directly linked to your service-connected Tinnitus. You can’t fight your case with the VA with just a diagnosis. You will need to tie up your claims with each other.

Secondary Menieres Syndrome

Meniere’s syndrome (endolymphatic hydrops) is a disorder of the inner ear that affects both hearing and balance. It can be claimed under Diagnostic Code 6205Meniere’s syndrome (endolymphatic hydrops). Symptoms include hearing loss, tinnitus, and dizziness or wooziness.

This condition can be rated one of two ways: once under this code, or three ratings, one under tinnitus, one under hearing loss, and one as a peripheral vestibular disorder, can be combined. Choose the rating option that gives the higher rating.

If there is hearing impairment with episodes of dizziness and staggering while walking that occur more than once a week, whether or not there is tinnitus, it is rated 100%. If there is hearing impairment with episodes of dizziness and staggering while walking that occur one to four times a month, whether or not there is tinnitus, it is rated 60%.

If there is hearing impairment with episodes of dizziness less than once a month, whether or not there is tinnitus, it is rated 30%. Note: Evaluate Meniere’s syndrome either under these criteria or by separately evaluating vertigo (as a peripheral vestibular disorder), hearing impairment, and tinnitus, whichever method results in a higher overall evaluation. But do not combine an evaluation for hearing impairment, tinnitus, or vertigo with an evaluation under diagnostic code 6205.

Secondary Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

If Tinnitus can cause psychological problems and mental alertness at the same time, it is not far off to conclude that it can eventually lead to debilitating exhaustion. In this case, veterans with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) can file for a secondary claim.

If you are a Gulf War veteran, this is an even better option for you because CFS is part of the presumptive disabilities for those who served in Southwest Asia with at least a 10% disability rating. Again, tinnitus’ lone rating is 10%, so you will automatically qualify for this presumptive service connection.

To win a tinnitus-related claim for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, you should get:

  1. A medical diagnosis for CFS.
  2. Nexus letter to link the diagnosis to your experience of having to bear with Tinnitus daily.
  3. OR if you are a Gulf War veteran, you will need your DD214 as proof of deployment.

Secondary Dizziness and Vertigo

Tinnitus, as a hearing disorder, can easily be linked to other ear-related disabilities, namely, dizziness and vertigo. It can be claimed under Diagnostic Code 6204: Peripheral Vestibular Disorders. The constant noise in the ear can disrupt a person’s sense of balance and motion. 

If deemed with secondary service-connection, you may be rated at 30% if there’s relative difficulty in walking or maintaining balance. Other than that, occasional episodes of dizziness and vertigo are awarded 10% rating.

How to get secondarily service-connected for dizziness and vertigo?

  1. You must be medically diagnosed with any of these conditions.
  2. Secure a nexus letter from your doctor linking your Tinnitus to these ear balance and motion problems.
  3. Ask your friends or relatives for a buddy letter. Have them write about your dizzy and vertiginous experiences due to the ringing in your ears. 

What’s next for my VA Claim Secondary to Tinnitus?

You need to service-connect your Tinnitus first before filing for the above-discussed secondary claims. Don’t have this connection yet? Ring us now for help in getting a secondary service connection to Tinnitus! Hotline: (737) 241-9823

Or sign up directly for our Elite Program through this link!

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About VA Claims Insider

VA Claims Insider is an education-based coaching/consulting company. We’re here for disabled veterans exploring eligibility for increased VA disability benefits and who wish to learn more about that process. We also connect veterans with independent medical professionals in our referral network for medical examinations, disability evaluations, and credible independent medical opinions and nexus statements (medical nexus letters) for a wide range of disability conditions.

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