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Veteran Child Support

June 23, 2018

Veteran child support is something that many parents have to navigate the tricky waters of these days. As a Veteran, it can be difficult knowing how much of your resources must go towards supporting... continue reading
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VA Mission Act

June 15, 2018

Earlier this month, President Trump announced another change for the Department of Veteran Affairs called the VA Mission Act. This bill is another portion of his promise to make much-needed reforms... continue reading
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Importance of a DBQ

May 23, 2018

DBQ or Disability Benefits Questionnaires are used to evaluate a service-connected disability for Veterans and we at VACI recognize the importance of a DBQ. While it does not take the place of a... continue reading
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What is RAMP?

April 4, 2018

Have you heard about the Rapid Appeals Modernization Program? This new appeals process could help speed up the time it takes for your claim to be re-examined. Under one of the two paths, you can... continue reading
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Top GI Bill facts

February 13, 2018

A GI Bill is assistance from the government available for retired active duty military to return to school. You could be eligible for 36 months of education. Find out what you need to know to qualify... continue reading