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February 6, 2025

How to Upgrade Your 100% Schedular VA Rating to Permanent and Total (P&T) Status: The Insider’s Guide

Last updated on February 9, 2025

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Achieving a 100% schedular disability rating from the VA is a significant milestone for veterans, reflecting the recognition of total disability due to service-connected conditions.

However, a 100% schedular rating does not automatically mean Permanent and Total (P&T) status—and that distinction is mission critical.

Securing P&T status comes with significant advantages, including lifelong disability benefits, protection from rating reductions, and additional benefits for dependents, such as CHAMPVA healthcare and Dependents’ Educational Assistance (DEA).

Veterans with P&T status are also generally exempt from routine future examinations (RFEs), meaning their rating remains stable for life.

Understanding how to upgrade from a 100% schedular rating to P&T status is essential for veterans looking to maximize their benefits and secure financial stability for themselves and their families.

In this Insider’s Guide from VA disability expert Brian Reese, we’ll cover:

  • How to check if you already have 100% P&T disability status
  • The key differences between 100% schedular and 100% P&T ratings
  • The additional benefits available exclusively to P&T veterans
  • The step-by-step process to apply online for an upgrade to P&T status.

Let’s begin!

Table of Contents

Summary of Key Points

  • 100% Schedular vs. 100% P&T Ratings: A 100% schedular rating means a veteran is fully disabled based on the VA’s rating schedule, but it does not guarantee Permanent and Total (P&T) status. P&T status provides lifetime benefits, prevents future re-evaluations, and protects against rating reductions.
  • Advantages of P&T Status: Veterans with P&T status gain extra benefits such as CHAMPVA healthcare for dependents, Dependents’ Educational Assistance (DEA), and property tax exemptions in many states. They also avoid routine future examinations (RFEs), ensuring long-term financial stability.
  • How to Check P&T Status: Veterans can verify if they already have P&T status by reviewing their VA Rating Decision Letter or downloading a VA Benefits Summary Letter from If the letter states “no future exams scheduled” or confirms DEA eligibility, the veteran has P&T status.
  • How to Apply for P&T Status: If P&T was not automatically assigned, veterans can request an upgrade by filing a new claim on, submitting medical evidence proving their condition is permanent, and providing a physician’s statement explaining why their disabilities are unlikely to improve.

What is a 100% Permanent and Total (P&T) Disability Rating?

  • Permanent Disability means the impairment is reasonably certain to continue throughout the life of the disabled veteran.
  • Total Disability is any impairment of mind or body which is sufficient to render it impossible for the average veteran to follow a substantially gainful occupation.

Now, let’s combine these definitions into one.

A 100% Permanent and Total (P&T) disability is a Total disability that the VA has determined to be Permanent based on medical evidence.

A veteran can have a temporary Total disability, such as a total knee replacement, which may improve over time.

Similarly, a veteran may have a Permanent disability rated less than 100%, such as PTSD rated at 70% for over a decade.

However, some veterans may meet the criteria for both Permanent and Total status, ensuring long-term protection and benefits.

Distinguishing Between 100% Schedular and 100% P&T Ratings

A 100% schedular rating indicates that a veteran’s combined service-connected conditions are rated at 100% based on 38 CFR, Part 4, the Schedule for Rating Disabilities.

However, this rating may be subject to future evaluations and potential reductions if the VA determines that the condition has improved.

In contrast, a 100% P&T rating signifies that the disability is both permanent and total, providing veterans with lifetime benefits and typically exempting them from future examinations or rating reductions.

Benefits of a 100 Percent Permanent and Total VA Disability Rating

Securing a 100% P&T rating offers numerous benefits over a 100% schedular rating:

  • Lifetime Stability & Guaranteed Compensation – Veterans with 100% P&T status are not subject to routine future examinations, ensuring lifelong disability pay without fear of reductions. This allows for financial stability and long-term planning.
  • Protection from VA Rating Reductions – Unlike a 100% schedular rating, P&T status prevents the VA from lowering the rating unless fraud or a clear and unmistakable error (CUE) is found. Veterans can focus on their health without worrying about benefit cuts.
  • Extra Financial Benefits for Dependents – P&T veterans’ families qualify for Dependents’ Educational Assistance (DEA) with up to 45 months of tuition benefits. Many states also offer tax exemptions and free college tuition for dependents.
  • CHAMPVA Healthcare for Family Members – Spouses and dependents gain access to CHAMPVA, a VA-backed civilian health insurance program covering medical care, prescriptions, and hospital visits at little to no cost.
  • VA Home Loan & Housing Benefits – Veterans with P&T status are exempt from VA home loan funding fees, saving thousands when buying a home. They also qualify for housing grants to modify or purchase an accessible home.
  • State-Specific Tax & Financial Benefits – Many states offer full or partial property tax exemptions, free vehicle registration, and other cost-saving programs to P&T-rated veterans and their families.
  • Access to Higher Levels of Special Monthly Compensation (SMC) – Veterans with severe disabilities, such as loss of limbs or the need for aid and attendance, may receive additional tax-free compensation on top of their regular VA disability pay. It’s generally easier to qualify for higher levels of SMC with a 100& P&T rating.
  • Access to Space-A Travel (Military Flights) – 100% P&T veterans can fly on military aircraft at no cost when space is available, offering a valuable travel benefit for domestic and international trips.
  • Expedited Social Security Disability Processing – P&T-rated veterans receive priority processing for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), significantly reducing wait times for federal disability benefits.
  • Survivor Benefits & VA Burial Assistance – If a P&T veteran passes away, their spouse and children may qualify for Dependency & Indemnity Compensation (DIC), a lifelong monthly payment. The VA also provides burial allowances and funeral cost assistance.
  • Tax-Free Compensation & Loan Forgiveness – P&T veterans’ disability pay is permanently tax-free. They also qualify for the Total & Permanent Disability (TPD) discharge program, which forgives federal student loans with no tax penalties.

Comparison of Benefits: 100% Schedular VA Rating vs. 100% Permanent & Total (P&T) Rating

Benefit100% Schedular Rating100% Permanent & Total (P&T) Rating
1. 100% VA Disability CompensationYesYes
2. Free Comprehensive VA Health Care & Prescription MedicationsYesYes
3. Property Tax Exemption (State-Dependent)*YesYes
4. Dependents Educational Assistance (DEA) – Chapter 35NoYes
5. CHAMPVA Health Insurance for DependentsNoYes
6. Total & Permanent Disability (TPD) Discharge for Student LoansYesYes
7. Folds of Honor ScholarshipsYesYes
8. VA Aid & Attendance or Housebound Benefits**YesYes
9. Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment (VR&E)YesYes
10. Special Monthly Compensation (SMC)YesYes
11. Free VA Dental CareYesYes
12. VA Home Loan Funding Fee WaiverYesYes
13. VA Travel Pay & ReimbursementYesYes
14. Additional VA Disability Compensation for DependentsYesYes
15. Concurrent Receipt of VA Disability Pay & Military Retirement PayYesYes
16. Total Disability Individual Unemployability (TDIU)YesYes
17. Special Restorative & Vocational Training for DependentsNoYes
18. VA Burial & Plot AllowancesYesYes
19. Commissary & Exchange PrivilegesYesYes
20. Veterans Affairs Life Insurance (VALife)YesYes
21. Free Tax Preparation ServicesYesYes
22. Space-Available (Space-A) TravelNoYes
23. Free Hunting & Fishing Licenses (State-Dependent)YesYes
24. Free Vehicle Registration & Disabled Veteran License PlatesYesYes
25. Federal Employment Preference (10-Point Preference)YesYes
26. Direct Hire Authority for Federal JobsYesYes
27. Free National Park AccessYesYes
28. Expedited Social Security Disability ProcessingNoYes
29. Dependency & Indemnity Compensation (DIC) for SurvivorsNoYes
30. VA Adaptive Housing GrantsYesYes
31. VA Clothing AllowanceYesYes
32. VA Adaptive Equipment Grants for VehiclesYesYes
33. State-Specific Education BenefitsYesYes
34. VA Long-Term Care ServicesYesYes
35. VA Caregiver Support ProgramYesYes
36. Veterans Crisis Line AccessYesYes
37. Family Support ServicesYesYes
38. Community Care ProgramYesYes
39. Housing Assistance Programs (HUD-VASH)YesYes
40. Free Legal AssistanceYesYes
41. State-Specific Benefits (e.g., tax exemptions)YesYes
42. Veteran Business GrantsYesYes
43. Non-Profit Support ServicesYesYes
44. Vet Centers for Counseling & Community ServicesYesYes
45. Free or Discounted Public Transit (varies by state)YesYes
46. State Property Tax RefundsYesYes
47. Free Employment & Resume AssistanceYesYes
48. Free Adaptive Sports & Recreation ProgramsYesYes
49. Grant Assistance for Home ModificationsYesYes
50. Free Entry to Select Museums & AttractionsYesYes
  • *Most states require veterans to be 100% Permanent and Total (P&T) to qualify for a full property tax exemption on their primary residence.
  • **It’s generally easier to qualify for Aid & Attendance or Housebound Benefits with a 100% P&T rating.

How Do I Know If My 100% VA Disability is Permanent and Total (P&T)?

There are two main ways to check whether your VA disability rating is 100% permanent and total:

#1. Review Your Latest VA Decision Letter

Your VA rating decision letter formally explains the VA’s rationale for approving, denying, or deferring your VA disability claim.

The letter includes the VA’s final rating decision and analysis as well as why and how the VA Rater and C&P examiner arrived at their opinions and conclusions for your VA claim.

To identify if you’ve received a 100% P&T rating:

  • Look for Specific Language: Look for statements indicating eligibility for Chapter 35 Dependents’ Educational Assistance (DEA) benefits. This signifies P&T status.
  • Routine Future Examinations: If the letter mentions that no Routine Future Examinations (RFE) are scheduled, this indicates that your disability is considered static and permanent.

#2. Download a Copy of Your VA Benefits Summary Verification Letter

Your VA benefits summary verification letter is an official document that summarizes your military service dates, discharge status, and combined VA disability rating.

You can download your latest VA benefits summary verification letter to check for permanent and total disability status.

Toward the end of the letter, look for text that says:

  • “You are considered to be totally and permanently disabled due solely to your service-connected disabilities.”
  • It will either say yes or no in this block.

How Do I Upgrade My 100% VA Rating to P&T Status?

Generally, if you qualify for a 100% permanent and total disability rating, the VA Rater will automatically assign “P&T” status in his/her VA rating decision letter.

If you have a 100% scheduler rating and are trying to get a 100% P&T rating, and the VA Rater didn’t assign it already, you can apply for “P&T Status” on the website.

Can I Apply for a 100% P&T VA Rating?

Yes, you can apply for a 100 percent P&T VA rating!

If P&T status isn’t automatically granted, here’s how to get permanent and total disability from the VA in four simple steps:

  • Step #1. Start a new claim online at, and add a new disability called “Request for Permanent and Total (P&T) Disability Status.”
  • Step #2. Upload medical evidence showing that your disabilities meet the definitions of permanent and total (e.g., your PTSD has been rated at 70% for 5 years or more and isn’t going to get better – along with a host of other disabilities that are permanent and total in nature and your combined rating is 100%).
  • Step #3. It’s helpful to have your treating physician or other private medical professional write a letter on your behalf explaining how your disabilities are Total, Permanent, and unlikely to improve. This is called a “P&T Request Letter.”
  • Step #4. You should write a personal Statement in Support of a Claim documenting how your disability condition(s) are “static” and not subject to a Routine Future Examination (RFE).

Can the VA Reduce a 100% Permanent and Total (P&T) Disability Rating?

Yes, the VA can reduce a 100 permanent and total disability rating.

Generally, there are four ways the VA can reduce or take away a 100% P&T disability rating:

  • Reason #1. The initial 100% P&T rating was found to be based on fraud.
  • Reason #2. If you have a 100% P&T rating but open a new claim for compensation to include Special Monthly Compensation (SMC), the VA Rater can potentially see that one or more conditions has gotten better, have it re-evaluated, and subsequently reduced. This can happen if your disability conditions are not static.
  • Reason #3. If you have a 100% P&T rating but open a new claim for a Specially Adapted Housing (SAH) or Special Housing Adaptation (SHA) grant, it will automatically trigger a C&P exam for the increase. Your disability conditions could be subject to a re-evaluation, especially if they aren’t static.

Can I Work With a 100% Permanent and Total (P&T) VA Disability Rating?

Yes, you can work full-time with a 100% Permanent and Total (P&T) VA disability rating.

There are no income restrictions for veterans who work while receiving 100% P&T benefits.

The only time income matters in VA disability compensation is if you are receiving Total Disability Individual Unemployability (TDIU), which is based on your service-connected disabilities preventing substantially gainful employment.

Conclusion & Wrap-Up

Upgrading your 100% schedular VA disability rating to Permanent and Total (P&T) status is a critical step in securing lifetime benefits, financial stability, and additional support for your dependents.

P&T status protects your rating from future reductions, exempts you from routine future examinations, and unlocks exclusive benefits like CHAMPVA healthcare, Dependents’ Educational Assistance (DEA), and state-level tax exemptions.

If you’re unsure whether your rating qualifies for P&T status or need help navigating the VA claims process, VA Claims Insider is here to help!

Our team of VA disability experts and fellow veterans will guide you through the process and help you increase your VA rating faster.


It’s time to get the VA disability benefits you’ve earned for serving our country.

📞 Call Us Right Now at 737-295-2226 for a no-obligation consultation.

100% P&T VA Ratings: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is a 100% Permanent and Total (P&T) VA disability rating?

A 100% Permanent and Total (P&T) VA disability rating means the VA has determined a veteran’s service-connected disabilities are both completely disabling and unlikely to improve over time. This designation provides lifelong benefits, protects against rating reductions, and often qualifies dependents for additional benefits.

2. How do I check if my VA disability rating is P&T?

You can check your P&T status by reviewing your VA Rating Decision Letter, which may include phrases like “no future exams are scheduled” or eligibility for Chapter 35 Dependents’ Educational Assistance (DEA). You can also download a VA Benefits Summary Letter from, which will indicate if your disability is considered total and permanent.

3. Does a 100% schedular rating automatically mean P&T?

No, a 100% schedular rating does not automatically mean you are considered Permanent and Total. The VA may assign a 100% rating for a temporary condition that could improve. P&T status means the VA recognizes your disability as permanent and will not require future evaluations.

4. What are the main benefits of a 100% P&T rating?

A 100% P&T rating provides lifetime disability compensation, exemption from future VA re-examinations, eligibility for Dependents’ Educational Assistance (DEA), CHAMPVA health insurance for family members, state-level benefits such as property tax exemptions, and protection against rating reductions.

5. Can I work with a 100% P&T rating?

Yes, veterans with a 100% P&T rating can work full-time with no income restrictions. However, if you are receiving Total Disability Individual Unemployability (TDIU), there are income limitations because TDIU is based on the inability to maintain substantially gainful employment.

6. Can the VA reduce my 100% P&T rating?

In most cases, a 100% P&T rating is protected from future reductions. The only exceptions are cases involving fraud, clear and unmistakable error (CUE), or if new claims trigger a re-evaluation that results in a lower rating.

7. How do I apply for a 100% P&T VA rating?

If the VA has not assigned P&T status automatically, you can submit a request by filing a new claim through Include medical evidence that shows your conditions are static, unlikely to improve, and meet the criteria for permanence. A physician’s statement confirming the severity and permanence of your disabilities can strengthen your request.

8. What is the difference between a 100% schedular rating and 100% P&T?

A 100% schedular rating is based on the VA’s Schedule for Rating Disabilities and may be subject to future reviews. A 100% P&T rating is both total and permanent, meaning no future re-evaluations are scheduled, and additional benefits may be available to dependents.

9. What additional benefits do dependents get if I have a 100% P&T rating?

Dependents may be eligible for Chapter 35 Dependents’ Educational Assistance (DEA), which provides tuition benefits, as well as CHAMPVA healthcare, which offers civilian medical coverage similar to TRICARE. Many states also provide education benefits and property tax exemptions for dependents of P&T-rated veterans.

10. Do I still need VA C&P exams if I have a 100% P&T rating?

No, veterans with a 100% P&T rating are generally exempt from routine future examinations. However, if you file new claims for increased benefits or additional conditions, the VA may schedule a Compensation & Pension (C&P) exam to evaluate those conditions.

11. Does a 100% P&T rating make me eligible for Social Security Disability?

A 100% P&T rating does not automatically qualify you for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), but it does allow for expedited processing of your SSDI claim. You must still meet the Social Security Administration’s eligibility criteria for disability benefits.

12. Can I receive both VA disability and military retirement pay with a 100% P&T rating?

Yes, veterans who qualify for Concurrent Retirement and Disability Pay (CRDP) can receive both VA disability compensation and military retirement pay without any offset. This applies to veterans with a 50% or higher VA disability rating.

13. Does a 100% P&T rating qualify me for VA housing grants?

Yes, veterans with a 100% P&T rating may qualify for the Specially Adapted Housing (SAH) or Special Housing Adaptation (SHA) grants to build or modify a home that meets their disability-related needs.

14. Does a 100% P&T rating provide property tax exemptions?

Many states offer full or partial property tax exemptions for veterans with a 100% P&T rating. Eligibility requirements and exemption amounts vary by state, so veterans should check with their state’s Department of Veterans Affairs.

15. Can I still receive VA Aid and Attendance benefits with a 100% P&T rating?

Yes, veterans with a 100% P&T rating may qualify for Aid and Attendance or Housebound benefits if they require assistance with daily living activities or are confined to their home due to their service-connected conditions.

16. Does a 100% P&T rating include a waiver for student loans?

Yes, veterans with a 100% P&T rating qualify for the Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) discharge program, which forgives federal student loans without tax penalties.

17. Can I get commissary and exchange privileges with a 100% P&T rating?

Yes, veterans with a 100% P&T rating are eligible for commissary and exchange privileges, allowing them to shop at military installations and access tax-free goods.

18. Are burial benefits available for veterans with a 100% P&T rating?

Yes, the VA provides burial and funeral expense allowances for veterans with a 100% P&T rating. Additionally, spouses and dependents may be eligible for Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) if the veteran’s death was related to their service-connected disabilities.

19. Does a 100% P&T rating affect my ability to get life insurance?

Veterans with a 100% P&T rating are eligible for Veterans Affairs Life Insurance (VALife), which provides guaranteed coverage without medical underwriting.

20. What should I do if my VA rating is 100% schedular but not P&T?

If you have a 100% schedular rating but not P&T, you can submit a request for P&T status through Provide medical evidence showing your condition is permanent and unlikely to improve. A statement from your physician confirming the severity and longevity of your disabilities can strengthen your case.

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About the Author

Brian Reese
Brian Reese

Brian Reese

Brian Reese is a world-renowned VA disability benefits expert and the #1 bestselling author of VA Claim Secrets and You Deserve It. Motivated by his own frustration with the VA claim process, Brian founded VA Claims Insider to help disabled veterans secure their VA disability compensation faster, regardless of their past struggles with the VA. Since 2013, he has positively impacted the lives of over 10 million military, veterans, and their families.

A former active-duty Air Force officer, Brian has extensive experience leading diverse teams in challenging international environments, including a combat tour in Afghanistan in 2011 supporting Operation ENDURING FREEDOM.

Brian is a Distinguished Graduate of Management from the United States Air Force Academy and earned his MBA from Oklahoma State University’s Spears School of Business, where he was a National Honor Scholar, ranking in the top 1% of his class.

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