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In this post, we’ve compiled the Complete List of VA DBQ Forms in downloadable PDF format.
We’ll also take a closer look at the purpose of VA DBQ forms and answer some common questions in the FAQ section at the end.
Let’s begin!
Table of Contents

List of VA DBQ Forms
The VA recently made several VA disability benefits questionnaire forms publicly available. You can download the DBQ form you need and take it directly to your preferred provider or to the VA physician conducting your exam.
The forms in this DBQ list below are in PDF format and can be downloaded and printed.
Available VA DBQ forms organized by body system
- Cardiovascular
- Dental and Oral
- Dermatological
- Endocrinological
- Eyes, Nose, Throat
- Gastrointestinal
- Genitourinary
- Gynecological
- Hematologic and Lymphatic conditions, including Leukemia
- Infectious diseases
- Musculoskeletal
- Amputations
- Ankle
- Back (Thoracolumbar Spine)
- Bones and other skeletal conditions
- Elbow and Forearm
- Foot conditions including Flatfoot (Pes Planus)
- Hand and finger
- Hip and thigh
- Knee and lower leg
- Muscle injuries
- Neck (cervical spine)
- Osteomyelitis
- Shoulder and/or Arm
- Temporomandibular disorders
- Wrist
- Neurological
- Nutrition
- Ophthalmological
- Psychological
- Respiratory
- Rheumatological
- Spina Bifida (natural child of a Veteran exposed to herbicides)
- PRO TIP: It’s a good idea to print your VA DBQ form’s pdf and bring it with you to your appointment, even if the doctor says they have one.

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How VA DBQs Work
VA Disability Benefits Questionnaires (DBQs) used to only be conducted by VA or VA-contracted physicians. They would use VA DBQ forms to collect information during a C&P or other exam.
Now these VA DBQ forms are publicly available (listed above), and your primary care provider can complete one, even if they aren’t contracted with the VA.
NOTE: The VA will not reimburse you for any costs associated with getting a DBQ If you decide to work with a non-VA physician.
VA DBQ for Depression and Anxiety
When it comes to a VA DBQ for depression and anxiety, your C&P examiner will likely use the Mental Disorders DBQ form—which is used for mental health conditions other than PTSD.

When VA DBQ Forms Are Used
DBQs can be used during any exam you take during the VA claims process, but they’re typically used during the C&P Exam. These exams are usually scheduled by the VA on your behalf and conducted by a VA or VA-contracted physician.
During the exam, the physician will ask you many questions and perform a few tests based on the VA DBQ prompts. Whatever the form asks for is basically what the physician will do. That means you can read through the DBQ form for your condition and have a better idea of what to expect during the exam.

(FAQs) Frequently Asked Questions About VA DBQ Forms
VA DBQ Meaning
DBQ means “disability benefits questionnaire.” VA DBQ forms are used by your medical provider to collect information the VA needs to correctly rate your disability.
Each VA DBQ form guides the physician during the exam to ensure they ask all the right questions, take all the right tests, and properly record the results.
How Do I Submit my VA DBQ forms to the VA?
Any VA DBQ forms you complete during the VA claims process should be submitted with your claim. This can be done by mail, in your va.gov account, or in person at a regional VA office.
You should submit your DBQ as soon as it’s complete. Don’t wait for your C&P Exam to get one done if you can help it. There are certain points during the VA claims process when the VA will stop accepting new evidence. You don’t want your DBQ to be submitted too late to count.
Is There a VA DBQ for PTSD?
Yes, the VA has made the PTSD disability benefits questionnaire (PTSD DBQ) available to the public.
Is There a VA DBQ for Depression and Anxiety?
Yes, there is a VA DBQ for depression and anxiety. The physician conducting your DBQ will likely use the Mental Disorders DBQ form. This DBQ form is used for mental health conditions other than PTSD.
How Do I Schedule a DBQ?
DBQs don’t have to be scheduled. They can be performed during any medical appointment with a physician who is properly credentialed on your specific condition.
DBQs can be conducted during any medical exam you may have with a VA physician. It’s a good idea to give the physician a heads-up. Reach out before your exam and ask that they complete the appropriate DBQ during your appointment.
If you want your own private provider to conduct your DBQ, you can call their office to set up the appointment in the same way you’d set up any other appointment.
Is a DBQ the Same as a C&P Exam?
No, but they’re related. VA DBQ forms are typically completed during a C&P Exam. It’s just one of many things that could take place during your C&P Exam.
What if My VA physician Didn’t Fill Out a VA DBQ Form at My C&P Exam?
Remember, DBQs aren’t required by the VA. So if your C&P examiner didn’t fill one out, it’s okay.
But double-check their exam notes and ensure they include all the information the VA needs to correctly rate your disability.
What if the Physician Skipped Some of the Questions?
Don’t sweat it too much, but look over your VA DBQ form afterward.
Some of the questions on VA DBQ forms are for pension exams and don’t apply to VA claims, so the doctor probably won’t fill those questions out. But it’s a good idea to double-check after the exam that the doctor didn’t leave out the information you need.
The Physician Recorded False Information. What Should I Do?
If the physician filling out your DBQ form accidentally puts a wrong symptom, test result, diagnosis, etc., you’ll want to provide evidence that shows the correct information.
For example, if the physician misstates a test result, attach a copy of the actual test that shows the correct result to your DBQ when submitting it to the VA. The VA looks at all the information submitted. If the evidence proves the physician’s statement on your DBQ form is false, then they will simply ignore it when determining your rating.
If you don’t have enough proof, you might need to get an additional medical opinion that you can submit with your claim.
Will a VA DBQ Help My VA Claim?
Yes. A DBQ can be a helpful piece of evidence in your VA claim.
While the VA does not require a DBQ for your claim to be approved, the information collected by a DBQ can be used by a VA rater to help determine service connection and what percentage your disability warrants.
A VA DBQ can also give you peace of mind. The purpose of a VA DBQ is to make sure that your provider has recorded everything the VA needs to make a rating decision. Your physician’s exam notes can fulfill the same purpose, but do you really want to risk that?
Physicians are people too. They can make mistakes and accidentally leave something out of their exam notes. But a DBQ guides them through the exam, telling them exactly what tests to perform and what questions to ask.
A high-quality, fully complete DBQ can help ensure you sleep easy at night, knowing you have a strong VA claim.
Who Fills Out a VA DBQ?
Only a licensed physician can fill out a DBQ.
The Veteran Affairs Schedule for Rating Disabilities (VASRD) lays out very specific criteria for how to assign rating percentages to every ratable disability. It’s possible for your claim to be denied if even one symptom is left undocumented.
That’s why it’s best for your claim if your DBQ is filled out by a physician who knows the condition best (i.e., a specialist). If you’re seeing a specialist for treatment, have them fill out your DBQ if possible.
It’s important to make sure your physician completely fills out the DBQ with their current credentials. Do not fill out the form for your doctor. The VA can check your form against other forms completed by your physician to verify authenticity. They’ll know if you forged it.

Wrapping Up
VA DBQs can be beneficial for your VA claims. It’s important to know where to locate the form you may need prior to your C&P exam, and it can’t hurt to bring it with you in case it’s needed by your examiner. Be sure to bookmark this guide so you can return when you need to find your next VA DBQ form.
If you have any more questions about VA DBQs, be sure to check out our free resources page and our blog. These are two great resources for all things VA claims.
Take advantage of a VA Claim Discovery Call with an experienced Team Member. Learn what you’ve been missing so you can FINALLY get the disability rating and compensation you’ve earned for your service.
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