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March 19, 2019

Medal of Honor Day

Last updated on December 22, 2022

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Today we recognized Medal of Honor Day.

I feel privileged and grateful to serve veterans. Many of the vets that I talk to deserve more disability payment than what they are currently receiving. But, many others that our team does not get to speak with are hesitant to file a claim for various reasons.

This is gross negligence on the part of our society, our military, and our government.  This is also part of the reason the VA Claims Insider team gets out of bed in the morning. It saddens me to think that someone does not feel they are worthy of what is owed to them.

So, on this Medal of Honor day, I would like to specifically mention that award is only awarded to a very small distinct few that I would say are true heroes. Other awards make this distinction as well. And there are some who served that are heroes who, unfortunately, went unrecognized except by his or her fellow service men and women. The rest of us signed up for a job.

The number one reason that I see veterans not filing a disability claim is they feel they do not deserve it because they did not see combat or serve during a time of war. In the infamous words of good ol’ Colonel Sherman Potter: “Horse hockey!”

Who can apply?

If you served in the United States of America Armed Services and have a mental or physical disability as a direct result of your service you deserve a disability payment.

I think much of the reason that vets feel undeserving is our country’s glorification of military service. Most of us do not feel like heroes; I know I do not. So when we get thanked for our service and called a hero, it feels hollow and empty. Fast forward that feeling to thinking about applying for a (rightfully deserved) disability claim and there is a cognitive and emotional disconnect that we feel. I went close to 30 years before beginning the claims process. I think many others are in the same boat.

We joined in our late teens or early twenties when either no other option existed, or this was the best option available to us. Full stop. This job had good benefits, good pay and we got an education and a skill. Hey, there was healthcare!  Sounds like a job to me. The only real difference for many of us was which division of the employer we worked for.

I had a veteran tell me that he did not feel worthy of a claim because he “only served during the Cold War” and never saw any “action.” His son-in-law, who is an active duty Marine, had to remind him: we are a Brotherhood. Once you’ve served, you will always be a brother. We are lucky this vet’s son-in-law encouraged him: this vet is now in our system and will finally get the compensation he deserves.

Most of us never got put in harm’s way. Nevertheless, we suffered some sort of disability due to our job. So, while you and I might not feel like the heroes that our society tells us we are, do not let that stop you from reaching out to us at VA Claims Insider. We are the experts that can help you navigate the system. But even before that, we can help you decide based on facts and evidence whether you have a claim or not. Then we guide you through the process to submit a winning claim to get you the payment you are due.

How do I apply for a Medal of Honor

VA Claims Insider is a MOVEMENT of “Veterans Helping Veterans” based upon the strength of our BRAND, and all the loyal “INSIDERS” (YOU) that we get to serve every day.

In contrast, our competitors have decided to build brick-and-mortar businesses around clunky paper-based processes. TERRIBLE idea and they are failing our fellow Veterans for many reasons (in my opinion).

We do NOT compete with other companies on the basis of price. We compete based upon the exceptional VALUE we provide. We will never be the lowest price and I’m okay with that. We are NOT the Wal-Mart of VA claims.

Who is VA Claims Insider


We know the struggle and thus we can sympathize with you. We are also trained EXPERTS in the VA Claims Insider process, which we do BETTER than anybody else. Sadly, most of our competitors aren’t even veterans…so I’ll ask you a question…do you want to work with people who DON’T get it or do you want to work with fellow disabled veterans who are trained EXPERTS?


Our Veteran Coaches take point on your entire claim and are available to help you, oftentimes on a daily basis or even “just-in-time” situations. We’re there for YOU. Our competitors have become as bad as Attorneys and VSOs…you can’t talk to them, you have no idea where you are in the process, and it could be months before you hear from somebody. They have decided to make a “process” pipeline, and have forgotten about the importance of customer service and communication along the way. We will NEVER EVER sacrifice customer service for process and claims output.


Three years ago, I had a vision of being able to get a veteran a medical exam on the same day they need it. That vision is now a reality. We have nearly 50 Psych Eval spots available per week, 7 days per week, 365 days per year. We can now turn a medical nexus opinion for OSA to PTSD in 7 days or less. Our med team of 8 PA-Cs and 3 extraordinary Psychologists are fully dedicated to serving YOU.

For these reasons, and to continue fulfilling our Vision of being “The Most Trusted Name in VA Disability Claims” I made this change and I’m proud of it. BOOM!

We are here to help veterans. VA Claims Insider is a team of disabled vets helping other vets. We are a Brother and Sisterhood. Be a part of what we are doing by allowing us to help you. That might not equate to “hero” in anybody’s book, and it won’t get anybody any medals, but it might open up the possibilities of paying off bills or getting you or your family medical care. To me taking care of our family is all the hero we need to be.


You are not alone! We are Veterans helping Veterans!
Become an Elite Member and work with our Veteran Coaches to get the rating you deserve! 

About the Author

About VA Claims Insider

VA Claims Insider is an education-based coaching/consulting company. We’re here for disabled veterans exploring eligibility for increased VA disability benefits and who wish to learn more about that process. We also connect veterans with independent medical professionals in our referral network for medical examinations, disability evaluations, and credible independent medical opinions and nexus statements (medical nexus letters) for a wide range of disability conditions.

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Elite Membership

Dear Veteran,
Here’s the brutal truth about VA disability claims:

According to our data, 8/10 (80%) of veterans reading this message right now are underrated by the VA…

This means you do NOT currently have the VA disability rating and compensation YOU deserve, and you could be missing out on thousands of dollars of tax-free compensation and benefits each month.

As a fellow disabled Veteran this is shameful and I’m on a mission to change it.

Brian Reese here, Air Force service-disabled Veteran and Founder @ VA Claims Insider.

Since 2016, VA Claims Insider has helped thousands of Veterans just like you get the VA rating and compensation they deserve in less time.

If accepted into our ELITE membership program, you’ll get free up-front access and permission to use $13,119 worth of proprietary VA claim resources, including access to our network of independent medical professionals for medical examinations, disability evaluations, and credible Medical Nexus Letters, which could help you get a HIGHER VA rating in LESS time.

It’s FREE to get started, so click “Go Elite Now” below to complete our 3-step intake process.

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