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September 11, 2024

The Integrated Disability Evaluation System (IDES) Explained: What to Expect and How to Prepare!

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As a veteran or active-duty service member, navigating the complex world of disability claims and benefits can be confusing and overwhelming.

Enter the Integrated Disability Evaluation System (IDES).

The IDES process is designed to streamline the evaluation of disability benefits by coordinating efforts between the Department of Defense (DoD) and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

If you’re dealing with an injury or illness that affects your ability to serve, the IDES is a critical system you need to understand.

In this guide, we’ll break down the IDES, explain how it works, and offer some pro tips and strategies to help you navigate the system successfully.

Summary of Key Points

  • The Integrated Disability Evaluation System (IDES) is a streamlined process designed to evaluate service members’ fitness for duty and their eligibility for VA disability benefits.
  • The IDES combines the Department of Defense’s MEB (Medical Evaluation Board) and PEB (Physical Evaluation Board) with the VA’s disability rating system to provide faster decisions and benefits for service members transitioning to veteran status.
  • The process involves several steps, including referral to the MEB, a comprehensive medical examination, review by the PEB, and a VA disability rating determination, which ensures a smooth transition to civilian life.
  • The IDES offers faster decisions by integrating DoD and VA processes into one, but comes with challenges like strict timelines, limited appeals, and often lower DoD ratings, although veterans can file new claims or request increased VA ratings post-separation.

What is the Integrated Disability Evaluation System (IDES)?

The Integrated Disability Evaluation System (IDES) is a joint initiative between the DoD and the VA designed to simplify and streamline the disability evaluation process for military service members.

It combines the DoD’s Medical Evaluation Board (MEB) and Physical Evaluation Board (PEB) processes with the VA’s disability rating system to ensure that injured or ill service members receive the appropriate medical discharge and disability compensation from both organizations.

Instead of going through two separate processes with the DoD and VA, the IDES allow service members to be evaluated by both systems simultaneously.

This means faster decisions, less redundancy, and ideally, quicker access to your benefits once you transition from active duty military to veteran status.

How Does the IDES Process Work?

The IDES process has several steps that ensure your medical conditions are properly evaluated, and you’re compensated for any service-connected disabilities.

Here’s a breakdown of the 5-step IDES process:

1. Referral to Medical Evaluation Board (MEB)

When a service member is diagnosed with a medical condition that may make them unfit for duty, they are referred to the Medical Evaluation Board (MEB).

The MEB gathers medical evidence and determines whether the service member meets the medical retention standards for their branch of service.

2. Medical Examination and Documentation

As part of the IDES, the VA provides a comprehensive medical examination known as a Compensation and Pension (C&P) exam.

This examination covers all potential disabilities, not just the condition that led to the MEB referral.

The results from this examination are crucial in determining both DoD fitness for duty and VA disability ratings.

3. Physical Evaluation Board (PEB)

If the MEB determines that the service member’s medical conditions do not meet retention standards, the case is forwarded to the Physical Evaluation Board (PEB).

The PEB will then assess whether the medical conditions render the service member unfit for continued service.

If found unfit, the PEB determines whether the member will be medically separated or retired.

4. VA Disability Rating Decision

The VA uses the results of the C&P exam to issue a disability rating.

This rating is used to determine the amount of compensation the service member will receive after separation or retirement.

Unlike the DoD’s focus on fitness for duty, the VA’s rating system evaluates the overall impact of the medical condition on your ability to function in civilian life.

Click here to read about the difference between DoD and VA disability.

5. Transition to Veteran Status

Once the PEB makes its determination and the VA assigns a disability rating, the service member is either returned to duty (if found fit) or separated from service.

If separated, the service member will begin receiving DoD and VA benefits based on their ratings.

The IDES process is designed to ensure a smoother transition from military to civilian life with no gaps in benefits.

Pros and Cons of the IDES Process

While the IDES offers a streamlined process, it’s important to understand both the benefits and challenges of going through it.


  • Faster Processing: By integrating the DoD and VA processes, the IDES significantly reduces the time it takes for service members to receive their disability ratings and benefits.
  • One Comprehensive Medical Exam: Instead of undergoing separate exams for the DoD and VA, you only need to complete one comprehensive exam that counts for both.
  • Early Knowledge of VA Disability Rating: The IDES allows service members to know their VA disability rating before they are separated or retired, giving them clarity on future benefits.


  • Strict Timelines: The IDES operates on strict timelines, which can sometimes leave service members feeling rushed or underprepared. Missing deadlines can delay decisions.
  • Limited Appeals: If you disagree with the PEB’s decision, your options for appeal within the IDES can be more limited compared to the traditional process.
  • Lower Ratings: DoD disability ratings are often lower than those given by the VA. However, once you transition to veteran status, you can still file for additional disabilities or seek increases to your VA disability rating to receive the full compensation you’re entitled to.

Pro Tips for Navigating the IDES Process

Here’s some tips and strategies to help you successfully navigate the IDES process:

  • Get Your Documentation in Order: From the start of the MEB process, make sure all your medical records are complete and accurate. Keep personal copies of everything, including your MEB referral, medical exam results, and any correspondence from the PEB.
  • Be Proactive About Your VA Claim: Just because the VA is part of the IDES process doesn’t mean you should be passive. Take an active role in ensuring all your service-connected conditions are documented in your VA claim, including secondary conditions that may develop over time.
  • Prepare for the PEB: The PEB is where your fitness for continued service is decided. If you’re hoping to be found fit for duty, prepare your case carefully, including any evidence that supports your ability to continue serving. If you know separation or retirement is likely, focus on ensuring your disability ratings accurately reflect your conditions.
  • Understand Your Rights: You have the right to appeal both DoD and VA decisions if you believe your case wasn’t handled properly. Whether it’s requesting a reconsideration from the PEB or appealing your VA disability rating, be prepared to stand up for yourself and your benefits.
  • Filing Additional VA Disability Claims: After becoming a veteran, remember that you can always submit new disability claims. It’s not a one-time process—you can add new conditions or request increases to your existing ratings to ensure you receive the proper VA rating and compensation you’ve earned.

IDES Military Comparison Chart

AspectIDES (Integrated Disability Evaluation System)MEB (Medical Evaluation Board)PEB (Physical Evaluation Board)
PurposeThe IDES streamlines the disability evaluation process, integrating both DoD and VA evaluations to determine a service member’s fitness for duty and potential disability benefits.The MEB evaluates a service member’s medical conditions to determine if they meet the military’s retention standards for continued service.The PEB determines whether a service member is fit for duty based on medical findings and assigns disability ratings if the member is deemed unfit for service.
FocusCombines DoD and VA processes to ensure service members receive timely decisions regarding fitness for duty and benefits.Focuses solely on whether the service member’s medical conditions meet retention standards.Focuses on determining whether the service member can continue serving and assigns DoD disability ratings.
Process InitiationBegins when a service member is referred due to a medical condition that affects their ability to perform their duties, triggering the IDES.Starts when a military healthcare provider refers the service member for evaluation due to a condition affecting duty performance.Begins after the MEB has forwarded the case, determining if the service member is fit for duty or qualifies for separation/retirement.
OutcomeIntegrates the findings from the MEB and PEB with the VA’s disability rating system to ensure a seamless transition for service members who are unfit for duty.Forwards cases of unfit service members to the PEB for further evaluation; may return the member to duty if conditions meet standards.Determines whether the service member will return to duty, be medically separated, or medically retired with an assigned disability rating.
Disability RatingThe VA assigns a disability rating based on its evaluation of all service-connected medical conditions, determining compensation after separation.The MEB does not assign disability ratings; it only evaluates medical conditions for retention standards.The PEB assigns DoD disability ratings based on the service member’s medical conditions and fitness for duty.
Appeal ProcessService members can appeal decisions made during the PEB or VA rating process, depending on their circumstances.MEB findings can be contested by requesting an independent medical review or submitting additional evidence before it’s finalized.Service members can appeal PEB decisions by requesting a formal board hearing or by appealing the disability rating decision with the VA.

Conclusion & Wrap-Up

The Integrated Disability Evaluation System (IDES) is a critical part of the transition process for service members with medical conditions that impact their ability to serve.

By combining the efforts of both the DoD and VA, the system aims to streamline your evaluation and get you the benefits you deserve more quickly.

However, as with any bureaucratic system, it’s important to stay proactive, organized, and informed throughout the process.

If you’re currently facing the IDES or think you may be referred soon, don’t go it alone.

Reach out for expert guidance and support to ensure you navigate this process successfully and secure the full benefits you’ve earned.

The Integrated Disability Evaluation System (IDES): Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the Integrated Disability Evaluation System (IDES)?

The Integrated Disability Evaluation System (IDES) is a joint program between the Department of Defense (DoD) and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) designed to streamline the evaluation and benefits process for service members with medical conditions that affect their ability to serve. It integrates both the DoD and VA disability systems to ensure faster determination and benefits for veterans.

2. How does the IDES simplify the disability process?

The IDES simplifies the process by combining the DoD and VA medical evaluations into one system, meaning service members only need to go through one set of medical exams. Both organizations share the information and use it to make decisions about fitness for duty, separation, and disability ratings, resulting in faster outcomes.

3. What is a Medical Evaluation Board (MEB)?

The Medical Evaluation Board (MEB) is the first step in the IDES process. The MEB reviews a service member’s medical conditions to determine if they meet the military’s medical retention standards. If any condition is deemed medically unacceptable, it is forwarded to the Physical Evaluation Board (PEB) for further review.

4. What is the Physical Evaluation Board (PEB)?

The Physical Evaluation Board (PEB) determines whether a service member’s medical conditions make them Unfit for Duty. If a condition is found to be unfitting, the PEB uses the VA’s disability rating to calculate DoD benefits, including potential medical separation or retirement.

5. How long does the IDES process take?

The IDES process is designed to take approximately 5 to 6 months from the time of referral to the Medical Evaluation Board (MEB) until the final decision and separation. However, processing times can vary depending on the complexity of the case and other factors.

6. Can I appeal decisions made by the PEB or VA during the IDES process?

Yes, if you disagree with the PEB’s decision regarding your fitness for duty or the VA’s disability rating, you have the right to appeal. You can request a review by the Formal Physical Evaluation Board (FPEB) or submit for VA reconsideration.

7. How does the VA assign disability ratings in the IDES process?

The VA assigns disability ratings based on a comprehensive medical examination that evaluates all conditions, not just those affecting military service. These ratings are used by both the VA and the DoD to determine disability compensation and benefits.

8. What happens if the MEB determines that none of my conditions are medically unacceptable?

If the MEB finds that none of your conditions are medically unacceptable, you will be returned to full duty and the IDES process will end. You will not be medically separated or retired, and no further evaluations will be required.

9. What are the possible outcomes of the PEB decision?

The PEB can determine whether you are either fit or unfit for duty. If unfit, you may be medically separated or retired depending on the severity of your condition and your disability rating. If you are “fit for duty,” you will return to service.

10. When will I start receiving VA disability benefits after going through the IDES?

You will typically begin receiving VA disability benefits within 30 days after you are discharged from the military or placed on the Temporary Disability Retirement List (TDRL). The VA will officially publish your rating decision at this time.

11. What if I am placed on the Temporary Disability Retired List (TDRL)?

If the PEB determines that your condition may improve over time, you could be placed on the Temporary Disability Retired List (TDRL). While on the TDRL, your condition will be re-evaluated periodically (usually every 18 months) to determine whether you should return to duty, remain retired, or be separated.

12. Can I file new VA disability claims after the military IDES process ends?

Yes, you can file new VA disability claims after completing the IDES process. The IDES process determines your fitness for duty and assigns a VA disability rating based on your current conditions at the time of separation. However, once you become a veteran, you can file new claims for any additional conditions that develop later or were not included in your initial evaluation. Veterans are also allowed to request increases to their VA disability ratings if existing conditions worsen. The VA process is continuous, meaning you’re not limited to the conditions evaluated during your time in service or during the IDES process.

About the Author

Brian Reese
Brian Reese

Brian Reese

Brian Reese is a world-renowned VA disability benefits expert and the #1 bestselling author of VA Claim Secrets and You Deserve It. Motivated by his own frustration with the VA claim process, Brian founded VA Claims Insider to help disabled veterans secure their VA disability compensation faster, regardless of their past struggles with the VA. Since 2013, he has positively impacted the lives of over 10 million military, veterans, and their families.

A former active-duty Air Force officer, Brian has extensive experience leading diverse teams in challenging international environments, including a combat tour in Afghanistan in 2011 supporting Operation ENDURING FREEDOM.

Brian is a Distinguished Graduate of Management from the United States Air Force Academy and earned his MBA from Oklahoma State University’s Spears School of Business, where he was a National Honor Scholar, ranking in the top 1% of his class.

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