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April 26, 2024

Granulomatous Disease VA Ratings—Explained!

Last updated on April 30, 2024

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Are you warranted a Granulomatous Disease VA Rating? Let’s find out! 

If you were exposed to military exposure pits or other toxic exposure, you’re at higher risk for developing granulomatous disease, a condition affecting the respiratory system. 

While the VA deems granulomatous disease a presumptive condition, you still must prove you were in an eligible location during a specific time period.

Unsure where to start? Don’t worry—we’ve got you covered! Keep reading to learn more…

Summary of Key Points 

  • The VA rating for granulomatous disease varies between 10% and 100%, depending on the severity of your condition and the body part it affects. 
  • The VA considers granulomatous disease a presumptive condition if you develop the condition because of your exposure to burn pits while on active duty. 
  • You can file a VA claim for granulomatous disease online, by mail, via fax, or in person using VA Form 21-526EZ. 
  • While medical evidence isn’t necessary when you file a VA claim, it can be what you need to win your claim
Veteran with a hand on his chest granulomatous disease.

Granulomatous Disease VA Ratings


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Granulomatous Disease in Veterans

While frequently a genetic condition, chronic granulomatous disease (CGD) has shown up in veterans affected by toxic exposure, such as exposure to burn pits. 

The military used burn pits in the post-9/11 era to dispose of waste, including rubber, gas plastics, and medical waste. (The list goes on!)

While burn pits effectively eliminated waste, they proved dangerous to service members who breathed in the smoke. 

When the VA PACT Act became law, it added 23 presumptive conditions, including granulomatous disease. In these situations, the VA presumes your military service caused your condition. But what does that mean for your wallet??

Granulomatous Disease VA Ratings

The VA rates granulomatous disease between 10% and 100%, depending on the severity of your condition. 

The VA has various diagnostic codes (DC) for granulomatous disease, so it’s important to find the one that best suits your condition. 

Granulomatous Disease VA Rating Charts

Your VA disability for granulomatous disease will vary depending on the area of your body the condition affects and its severity. 

The granulomatous disease VA rating charts below are just a few examples of how the VA may rate your condition. 

Man with his hand up to his throat.

Granulomatous Disease Affecting the Throat 

DC 6521, Pharynx, injuries to:VA Rating 
Stricture or obstruction of pharynx or nasopharynx, or; absence of soft palate secondary to trauma, chemical burn, or granulomatous disease, or; paralysis of soft palate with swallowing difficulty (nasal regurgitation) and speech impairment50%

Granulomatous Disease Affecting the Nose

DC 6524, Granulomatous rhinitis: VA Rating
Wegener’s granulomatosis, lethal midline granuloma100%
Other types of granulomatous infection20%

Granulomatous Disease Affecting the Lungs

DC 6828, Eosinophilic granuloma of lungVA Rating 
Forced Vital Capacity (FVC) less than 50-percent predicted, or; Diffusion Capacity of the Lung for Carbon Monoxide by the Single Breath Method (DLCO (SB)) less than 40-percent predicted, or; maximum exercise capacity less than 15 ml/kg/min oxygen consumption with cardiorespiratory limitation, or; cor pulmonale or pulmonary hypertension, or; requires outpatient oxygen therapy100%
FVC of 50- to 64-percent predicted, or; DLCO (SB) of 40- to 55-percent predicted, or; maximum exercise capacity of 15 to 20 ml/kg/min oxygen consumption with cardiorespiratory limitation60%
FVC of 65- to 74-percent predicted, or; DLCO (SB) of 56- to 65-percent predicted30%
FVC of 75- to 80-percent predicted, or; DLCO (SB) of 66- to 80-percent predicted10%

Note: The VA ratings for Eosinophilic granuloma of the lung are found under the General Rating Formula for Interstitial Lung Disease

Danger Toxic Fumes sign.

Granulomatous Disease as a Presumptive Condition 

Like many other health conditions, the VA considers granulomatous disease a presumptive condition and “presumes” your military service caused your condition. 

While it’s not a slam-dunk VA claim (we wish it were!), you don’t have to prove your service caused your condition. 

Instead, you only need to prove to the VA you were in a specific location at a specific time. So, where are these “specific locations?” Take a look below to find out! 

If you served on or after September 11, 2001, in any of these locations:

  • Afghanistan
  • Djibouti
  • Egypt
  • Jordan
  • Lebanon
  • Syria
  • Uzbekistan
  • Yemen
  • The airspace above any of these locations

If you served on or after August 2, 1990, in any of these locations:

  • Bahrain
  • Iraq
  • Kuwait
  • Oman
  • Qatar
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Somalia
  • The United Arab Emirates (UAE)
  • The airspace above any of these locations

Note: The VA can still deny a presumptive disability if there’s no clear diagnosis or if there is sufficient evidence showing your diagnosis wasn’t caused by your service. However, you can appeal the decision if you feel you are owed an appropriate VA rating! 

Granulomatous Service Connection

Before you can receive VA disability for granulomatous disease, you must service-connect your condition. But what does that mean? 

You must prove the following three things:

  1. A current medical diagnosis of granulomatous Disease   
  2. Evidence of an in-service event, injury, disease, or aggravation
  3. A “nexus” (or link) between #1 and #2  

The good news is presumptive conditions satisfy the needs of “#2” on the list. 

How to File a Granulomatous Disease VA Claim

The quickest way to file your VA claim is online, but you have other options. You print, complete, and submit VA Form 21-526EZ by mail, fax, or in person. 

Mail to:

Department of Veterans Affairs

Claims Intake Center

PO Box 4444

Janesville, WI 53547-4444


If you’re in the U.S., fax your application to 844-531-7818.

If you’re outside the U.S., fax your application to 248-524-4260.


Bring your application to a local regional VA office near you. 

You can also file your VA claim with a legal representative (a Veterans Service Organization or VSA accredited agent or attorney)

Note: While you don’t have to submit evidence with your claim, it could be the missing link needed to win your claim. Here’s a look at recommended forms of evidence:

  • VA medical records and hospital records
  • Private medical records and hospital reports
  • Supporting statements 
US military members facing american flag.


Most veterans are underrated for their disabilities and, therefore, not getting their due compensation. 

At VA Claims Insider, we help you understand and take control of the claims process so you can get the rating and compensation you’re owed by law. 

Our process takes the guesswork out of filing a VA disability claim and supports you every step of the way in building a fully developed claim (FDC)—so you can increase your VA rating FAST!

If you’ve filed your VA disability claim and have been denied or have received a low rating—or you’re unsure how to get started—reach out to us! Take advantage of a FREE VA Claim Discovery Call

Learn what you’ve been missing—so you can FINALLY get the disability rating and compensation YOU DESERVE!

Kelly Olone

Kelly Olone

Kelly Olone is a military spouse who earned her degree in Psychology from Florida International University. After working in the non-profit sector for several years, she turned to her passion for writing. She aims to contribute to a better understanding of the valuable benefits that veterans deserve. As a mom, Kelly navigates the delicate balance between deadlines and bedtime stories with finesse. 

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