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From Decades of Denials to VA Disability Increase: The Elite Success Story of Veteran David Barry
After nearly 30 years of feeling overlooked, Navy Veteran David Barry’s long-awaited VA disability increase has finally arrived.
Thanks to his determination, and the deep knowledge and strong support of VA Claims Insider, he transformed his VA disability rating from 10% to 60% in less than six months.
David’s journey is a powerful example of resilience and the importance of seeking knowledgeable and experienced help when dealing with the complexities of the VA system.

Joining the Navy
David joined the Navy in 1983, eager to serve his country. After boot camp, he was assigned to an aircraft carrier, where he spent months working on the flight deck. David worked many jobs on deck that required long hours in close proximity to many jets and their screaming loud engines. At the end of most days, he was left with ringing in his ears, which became an everyday part of his world.
Following his time on the flight deck, he attended Navy electronics school, becoming an avionics technician (AT). During this time, he learned about electronics and computer systems that would help him support the aircraft at his next command.
WestPac Deployment
After completing electronics school, David deployed with an anti-submarine hunting squadron to an aircraft carrier on a Western Pacific (WestPac) deployment. There, he worked below decks in an electronics shop, testing and repairing the “black boxes” from his squadron’s many sub-hunting aircraft.
It was in that shop that he experienced what would ultimately be a life-altering event.
While attempting to return a large and somewhat heavy piece of shop test equipment up onto a high shelf, the ship rolled, and the equipment came back down on him. Rather than let it fall and possibly be destroyed, he managed to catch it, but it slammed him up against a steel bulkhead in the process. “My back went snap, crackle and pop!” David recalled. The injuries that resulted from that incident would haunt him for the rest of his life.
Taking Off the Uniform
After leaving the Navy, David took advantage of the GI Bill to pursue a college education. After a classmate (also a Veteran) noticed he was having trouble sitting and walking, he encouraged David to seek medical help from the VA.
Following a C&P exam, David received a 10% VA disability rating.
Decades of VA Claim Denials
Over the years, David faced debilitating episodes every year where his back would go out, leaving him unable to function. By 2004, David realized he was underrated and began seeking a VA disability increase.
Despite constant pain, multiple visits to his Doctor, and several chiropractic offices, his claim submissions for a VA disability increase were met with denial after denial. “I didn’t know how to communicate with the VA to prove my injuries were service-connected,” he said, reflecting on his frustrations, “It was always denied, denied, denied.”
By 2021, David had yet another lower back episode and was unable to tolerate the pain any longer. He underwent back surgery, praying for relief. He had spent nearly six months of the year in bed and mobility was almost impossible, even with a cane and a walker.
Following back surgery, David again applied for a VA disability increase.
But again he was denied.Â
“I was losing my mind,” he admitted. The VA again dismissed his situation as unrelated to his injury on active duty and yet again, left him feeling exhausted and defeated. “I’m done with these people,” I told myself, “I’ll never receive what I believe I deserve.”
Finding VA Claims Insider
In 2023, David found just enough energy to try and throw a last “Hail Mary.” He began researching outside organizations for VA claim help. He found several, but most required upfront payment or made him jump through several hoops before they would help, which made him very hesitant.
That’s when he discovered VA Claims Insider. “They were very different because they didn’t ask for money upfront, and they offered an incredibly large amount of information and education for free,” he said. “Really! Who does that?” he said with some disbelief in his mind.
Despite his initial skepticism, David signed up for the Elite Membership Program, and that’s when everything began to fall into place.
Armed with access to several VA disability informational videos and discussion groups, he connected with his Veteran Coach and began to better understand the claims process.
Not only did he learn about increasing his original claim, but he also discovered eligibility for additional claims. After requesting a C&P exam for his tinnitus (ear ringing from months on the flight deck), he was immediately granted a 10% rating, doubling his combined VA rating in just 60 days.
Extremely happy about this increase and encouraged by his coach, David reached out to his neurosurgeon for a nexus letter to support his claim for back issues. “He wrote me an amazing Nexus Letter,” David recalled.
After looking at David’s military and civilian medical records, the neurosurgeon confirmed that it was more than likely that David’s condition was service-connected, linking his lower back issues directly to his shipboard injury from decades ago.
That was all it took.
The Approval
Armed with a nexus letter and a little more help from his Veteran Coach, David submitted his claim and entered the waiting game. “It’s a mind game,” he admitted, wondering if the VA would finally recognize his struggles after decades of denials. After so many times of fighting a losing battle, he had little faith that anything would change…
Then it happened.
When the approval came through, David, in his own words, was “dumbfounded.” He was absolutely stunned to find his VA rating had been increased from 10% to 60%. “It was tears of joy to finally get my rating improved,” he said, “It was such a phenomenal and uplifting feeling—I’ll never forget it.”
Keep Pushing Forward
David’s experience highlights the importance of persistence and the critical path of seeking out the right help. He always thought he was communicating the way he should be to the VA because he thought his situation was pretty straightforward, “but the VA wasn’t hearing me because I couldn’t speak their technical language,” he explained. Then…with the guidance of his coach, he learned how to navigate the VA system and communicate with them effectively.
Now, David’s world, as he says it “has been flipped right side up. I now feel so empowered and informed about the VA claims process.” Because of his experience with VA Claims Insider, David now has a renewed drive to secure all the benefits he and his family deserve.
More importantly, he hopes to inspire fellow veterans facing similar challenges. “You’re never going to win anything if you give up,” he said. “If you get knocked down, get up and try again. Explore different paths and keep pushing forward.”
David’s journey is a powerful reminder that resilience, along with the right support, can lead to success—even after decades of adversity.

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