Are There VA Benefits for Moderate Hearing Loss?
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Around a million veterans are currently receiving disability compensation for hearing loss that includes benefits for moderate hearing loss. It is one of the most common disabilities among veterans... continue reading
Congestive Heart Failure in Veterans
This article discusses congestive heart failure in veterans. According to, approximately 6 million people in the United States deal with congestive heart failure. The number of cases... continue reading
The VA Denied Your Claim? Here’s What to do Next
Have you come back after the hard work and sweat equity you put into filing only to find out that the VA denied your claim? Or do you fear that if you took the time to file a claim it would all be a... continue reading
The Burn Pit Registry and Why You Should Enroll
What is the Burn Pit Registry? This is a list that allows Veterans to document their symptoms and track what you're experiencing. It’s rarely possible to immediately determine the health effects... continue reading
What You Should Know About Veteran Color Blindness
Veteran color blindness is not as rare as you might think. Currently, nearly 1 in 12 males in the U.S. are affected by a form of color blindness, while only around 1 in every 200 females... continue reading
What Legally Blind Veterans Can Expect from the VA
Understand how the VA rates blindness and what you can expect from... continue reading
What Every Veteran Exposed to Agent Orange Should Know
Learn about how Vietnam veterans are affected by their exposure to Agent Orange and conditions linked to this... continue reading
How the VA Determines Benefits for Arthritis
Insiders, today we are discussing how the VA determines benefits for arthritis. Arthritis is one of the most common conditions affecting those who have served in the military. In fact, the... continue reading
The term Blue Water Navy Veterans were Veterans that served on the shores of Vietnam during the Vietnam Era. The Veterans that served this period also were exposed to Agent Orange, which caused many... continue reading
Why All Veterans Should be Tested for Asbestos Exposure
Many times Veterans positively tested for asbestos exposure are unable to service-connect the relevancy because this is an unusual claim. However, you can still get a VA Disability Claim with... continue reading
VA Disability Benefits and Child Support
Learn about your VA Disability Benefits and Child Support. When a Veteran receives disability from the VA, it's a great feeling to know that they have a steady tax-free income. The income that they... continue reading
Discover facts about veterans living with... continue reading