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What is Nehmer Law?

January 20, 2019

The Nehmer Law was created for Vietnam Veterans who were exposed to specific herbicides. If you are a spouse, child, or parent of a Vietnam Veteran you are also eligible to receive benefits if... continue reading

Why Are DBQ’s Important?

January 14, 2019

A Disability Benefits Questionnaire is a form that your service provider will fill out describing specifics about a ratable condition that you are seeking compensation for. They were created to... continue reading
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6 Common PTSD Misconceptions

December 30, 2018

Many Veterans are under certain misconceptions about what filing a claim for PTSD will do for their way of life. Here are six things that many people think, and the truth behind... continue reading
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What are my options for Sleep Apnea

December 27, 2018

Sleep Apnea is one of the most widely claimed disabilities for Veterans. Find out the different types of Sleep Apnea you can qualify for, how to file, and the needed medical documentation for your... continue reading