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VA Disability for Back pain

April 13, 2019

Do you have lower back pain? Or any type of back pain for that matter? Did you know you could be entitled to VA disability for back pain based on your service to our country? Many veterans have... continue reading
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Spousal Buddy Letter

April 12, 2019

If you have spent any amount of time perusing the internet in your quest to figure out how to file a winning claim, then you have likely read something about the spousal buddy letter. Have you... continue reading
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Why VA Claims Insider?

April 5, 2019

You may be asking yourself, why VA Claims Insider? VA Claims Insider was created in 2016 as an option for Veterans who may need to obtain more medical evidence in the form of DBQs and Medical Nexus... continue reading
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Medal of Honor Day

Today we recognized Medal of Honor Day. I feel privileged and grateful to serve veterans. Many of the vets that I talk to deserve more disability payment than what they are currently receiving.... continue reading