2025 VA Disability Rates & Pay Chart | Confirmed 2.5% COLA Increase
Your combined VA disability rating number is incredibly important.
It could be the difference between receiving thousands of dollars and millions of dollars.
Every service-connected disability will receive a rating of 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, or 100%.
The higher your VA rating, the more benefits you'll receive.
For example, a 10% VA rating is worth just under $180 per month, while a 100% VA rating can be worth more than $4,000 per month.
Click HERE to see the 2025 VA Disability Pay Rates.
Your final rating depends on the severity of your disability: the impact it has on your work and life.
However, some disabilities by nature impact you more than others and therefore might garner higher ratings.
If you have one disability, then the rating for that disability and the rating for your total disability will be one and the same.
However, most of us have more than one service-connected disability.
So how does the VA consider all of them and wind up with one combined VA rating percentage?
If you receive several ratings for corresponding disabilities, they will not just be added together in a cumulative nature.
If you are rated at 70% for PTSD and 50% for Sleep Apnea, you won't be 70% + 50% = 120% disabled.
Because it's physically impossible to be more than 100% disabled.
Instead, the VA starts with your highest overall rating, multiplies the next highest rating into the previous one, adds it on, and so on.
In the example I just gave, the VA would take the highest rating first, the 70% for PTSD.
According to that number, they would assume that 100% - 70% = 30% of you is still “healthy.”
Then they multiply that remaining 30% by the rating for your Sleep Apnea disability, which is 50%.
Take 50% of 30% and you wind up with 15%.
Add that 15% onto the original 70%, and you wind up with an 85% total disability rating, which would be rounded up to a 90% combined VA disability rating.
The process continues for each disability remaining from highest to lowest.
Is that clear?
Clear as mud, but it's the system we have.
Now that you understand it, you can see how someone could have five or six disabilities, but if they're all low value, the rating won't reach anywhere close to 100%. You'd have to layer in some 70s, 60s, 50s, 30s, etc.
But rather than trying to run your own calculations, just use our Combined VA Rating Calculator above!
The amount of monthly tax-free disability compensation you'll receive depends on your overall combined VA rating, which is based on a fuzzy “VA Math” calculation.
Veterans can use our #1 rated VA disability calculator to calculate your VA rating percentage quickly, and determine your monthly payment amount, in just a few clicks.
There are three main paths to get a 100% combined VA rating:
That means you could be missing out on thousands of tax-free dollars each month…
Click the link below to book your no-obligation, VA Claim Discovery Call with an expert to find out how you can increase your VA rating legally & ethically.
Check out these great resources
2025 VA Disability Rates & Pay Chart | Confirmed 2.5% COLA Increase
2025 VA Special Monthly Compensation (SMC) Rates & Pay Chart
2025 VA Disability Payment Schedule
In my FREE 45-minute video training you'll learn 3 SECRET VA Disability Claim Tips that could get you a higher VA disability rating (if deserved by law), even if you've already been denied…
Here's what you'll learn in today's VA Claim SECRETS video training:
⭐ VA Disability Rating Calculator Tip #1:
“How to Get a VA Disability Increase, Take Control of YOUR claim, Get an Immediate VA Disability Rating Increase, and Have it Decided 6 Months FASTER.”
⭐ VA Disability Calculator Tip #2:
“How to Legally, Morally, Ethically, and Medically Get a 100 Percent VA Disability Rating and Over $3,000/month, Tax-Free, for Life” (This One Is Easier Than You Might Think!)
⭐ VA Rating Calculator Tip #3:
“How to Write Your Statement in Support of a Claim and Obtain Buddy Letters, So YOU Can Get the VA Rating and Compensation You Deserve.”
Learn how we help Veterans just like YOU get the VA Disability Rating and Compensation they deserve.