How Do I Get VA Disability for Sleep Apnea?
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VA Disability for Sleep Apnea is one of the most difficult VA claims to get service connected, especially if you were diagnosed with sleep apnea after military service. But there is hope, even if... continue reading
Top 5 Body Systems Awarded the Most 100% VA Disability Ratings
Let’s make sure one thing is clear: There are no guaranteed VA disability claims. The VA evaluates every claim it receives based on the evidence. And the rating percentage awarded depends on the... continue reading
10 Most Common VA Secondary Conditions to GERD
Today, you’ll learn about the 10 most common VA secondary conditions to GERD. We also took the time to explain each one in-detail along with the appropriate VA rating criteria, medical research... continue reading
VA Disability Rating for Alzheimer’s (Up to 100%)
Veterans are disproportionately at risk for cognitive disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. In this article, we’ll examine the different risk factors and explain how to prove... continue reading
GERD VA Rating 60 Percent? Yes, Here’s How! (The Insider’s Guide)
In this post, we’ll explore How to Get a GERD VA Rating 60 Percent, which is the highest scheduler rating by law. So many veterans suffer from various digestive system issues due to their... continue reading
Veteran’s Guide to a Torn Meniscus VA Rating
Many veterans suffer from torn-up knees. It’s no surprise that jumping out of airplanes and ruck runs with full packs can stress the knee joint and its surrounding ligaments, sometimes to the... continue reading
100% VA Benefits After an Army Medboard
100% VA Benefits After an Army Medboard: Army Veteran Nathan Thompson's ELITE Success Army Veteran Nathan Thompson joined the Elite Program at VA Claims Insider at the end of March 2023. Just... continue reading
Top 16 Reasons For Denied VA ClaimsÂ
Nothing is more frustrating than receiving a denied claim when you know you deserve compensation. Maybe even worse than missing out on benefits—it can feel like you're being called a liar. Many of... continue reading
DBQ Medical Opinion No Longer Needed? Here’s What It Means For Your VA Claim!
So, you logged into your account to check your VA claim status and you see a statement that says DBQ medical opinion no longer needed. What the heck does that mean? First, you do not... continue reading
What is the 55 Year Rule for VA Disability? (The Insider’s Guide)
Today, we’re going to deep dive the ins and outs of the 55 year old rule for VA disability. Did you know the VA can always make changes to your VA disability benefits through a... continue reading
What is a VA Intent to File? (2024 Quick Guide)
What is a VA Intent to File? A VA intent to file is one way to establish the day you become eligible for VA benefits, known as your effective date. If you don’t submit an intent to file, your... continue reading
Alcohol Abuse and Veterans: Cut Through the Myths and Get a VA Disability Rating
It’s a harsh reality that those charged with defending our nation’s freedoms too often become trapped by alcohol abuse and addiction. According to the National... continue reading